No. 5


















Council met pursuant to adjournment.  The President (The Hon. J. C. Irwin) took the Chair.

                 The President read prayers.


Meeting of



The following Paper was laid upon the Table, viz.:

        By the Attorney-General (The Hon. K. T. Griffin) -

                 Listening Devices Act 1972 - Report, 1997-98.




The Hon. A. J. Redford brought up the Second Report, 1998-99 of the Legislative Review Committee.


Legislative Review Committee -

Second Report,




The Minister for Transport and Urban Planning (The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw) tabled a copy of a Ministerial Statement made by the Minister for Environment and Heritage (The Hon.
D. C. Kotz, M.P.) concerning water management in the Northern Adelaide Plains.


Paper Tabled.


In accordance with Sessional Standing Order, the President called on Members to make Statements on Matters of Interest.


Statements on

Matters of




Ordered - That Notices of Motion (Private Business) No. 1 to No. 7 and Orders of the Day (Private Business) No. 1 to No. 3 be taken into consideration after Order of the Day (Private Business) No. 4.



of Business.


The Hon. I. Gilfillan, pursuant to notice, moved - That a Select Committee be established to inquire into and report upon Wild Dog Issues in the State of South Australia, specifically -

         I.      The method of raising funds for the maintenance of the Dog Fence with a view to making collection more equitable, i.e. -

                        (a)     whether any change in collection method is justified and, if so, what changes would be necessary to make collection more equitable; and

                        (b)    to recommend any consequential changes to the Dog Fence Act.

        II.      Issues associated with control of wild dogs inside the Dog Fence, i.e. -

                        (a)     to what extent wild dogs are causing problems inside the Dog Fence, particularly in parks such as the Ngarkat Conservation Park;

                        (b)    how those problems can or should be fairly addressed;

                        (c)     how the presence of wild dogs inside the Dog Fence affects the equity of Dog Fence payment collection; and

                        (d)    to recommend any consequential changes to the Dog Fence Act.

       III.      Describing and/or quantifying other significant benefits and costs associated with maintaining the Dog Fence, including but not limited to the effect of the Dog Fence upon other native species.

       IV.      That Standing Order No. 389 be suspended as to enable the Chairperson of the Committee to have a deliberative vote only.

        V.      That this Council permits the Select Committee to authorise the disclosure or publication, as it thinks fit, of any evidence or documents presented to the Committee prior to such evidence being reported to the Council.

       VI.      That Standing Order No. 396 be suspended to enable strangers to be admitted when the Select Committee is examining witnesses unless the Committee otherwise resolves, but they shall be excluded when the Committee is deliberating.

                 On motion of the Hon. G. Weatherill, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday,
18 November 1998.


Wild Dog Issues

in South Australia - Establishment of Select Committee

on -

Motion re.


Ordered - That Notice of Motion (Private Business) No. 1 be an Order of the Day for Wednesday, 18 November 1998.



of Business.


The Hon. M. J. Elliott, pursuant to notice, moved - That the Legislative Council notes the drug policies of the Netherlands and Switzerland and their impacts, and therefore -

         I.      Supports the separation of the cannabis market from the market of other illegal drugs; and

        II.      Calls on the Federal Government to allow the proposed heroin prescription trial to proceed in Australia.

                 On motion of the Hon. T. Crothers, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday,
18 November 1998.


Drug Policies of

the Netherlands

and Switzerland - Motion re.


The Hon. N. Xenophon, pursuant to notice, moved -

         I.      That a Select Committee of the Legislative Council be appointed to inquire into and report on the feasibility of prohibiting Internet and Interactive Home Gambling and Gambling by any other means of Telecommunication in the State of South Australia and the likely enforcement regime to effect such a prohibition;

        II.      That the Committee consist of six Members and that the quorum of Members necessary to be present at all meetings of the Committee be fixed at four Members and that Standing Order No. 389 be so far suspended as to enable the Chairperson of the Committee to have a deliberative vote only;

       III.      That this Council permits the Select Committee to authorise the disclosure or publication, as it thinks fit, of any evidence or documents presented to the Committee prior to such evidence being reported to the Council; and

       IV.      That Standing Order No. 396 be suspended to enable strangers to be admitted when the Select Committee is examining witnesses unless the Committee otherwise resolves, but they shall be excluded when the Committee is deliberating.

                 Debate ensued.

                 On motion of the Hon. P. Holloway, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday,
18 November 1998.



Gambling - Select Committee on -

Motion re.


The Hon. N. Xenophon, pursuant to notice, moved -

         I.      That a Select Committee of the Legislative Council be appointed to inquire into and report on -

                        (a)     The activities of the Motor Accident Commission, its policies, financial affairs, Board composition and the incidence and management of claims against the Compulsory Third Party Fund;

                        (b)    The level of compensation payable to victims of road trauma in South Australia;

                        (c)     The current and future roles and responsibilities of the Motor Accident Commission in relation to road safety and injury reduction; and

                        (d)    Any other related matter;

        II.      That the Committee consist of six Members and that the quorum of Members necessary to be present at all meetings of the Committee be fixed at four Members and that Standing Order No. 389 be so far suspended as to enable the Chairperson of the Committee to have a deliberative vote only;

       III.      That this Council permits the Select Committee to authorise the disclosure or publication, as it thinks fit, of any evidence or documents presented to the Committee prior to such evidence being reported to the Council; and

       IV.      That Standing Order No. 396 be suspended to enable strangers to be admitted when the Select Committee is examining witnesses unless the Committee otherwise resolves, but they shall be excluded when the Committee is deliberating.

                 On motion of the Hon. P. Holloway, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday,
18 November 1998.


Motor Accident

Commission -

Select Committee

on -

Motion re.


The Hon. N. Xenophon, pursuant to notice, moved - That the Constitution (Promotion of Government Bills) Amendment Bill be restored to the Notice Paper as a lapsed Bill, pursuant to section 57 of the Constitution Act 1934.

                 Question put and passed.

                 Ordered - That consideration of the Bill be an Order of the Day for Wednesday,
18 November 1998.


Constitution (Promotion of Government Bills) Amendment Bill.


The Hon. N. Xenophon, pursuant to notice, moved - That he have leave to introduce a Bill for an Act to amend the Gaming Machines Act 1992.

                 Question put and passed.

                 Bill introduced and read a first time.

                 The Hon. N. Xenophon then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time.

                 On motion of the Hon. G. Weatherill, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday,
18 November 1998.


Gaming Machines (Freeze on

Gaming Machines) Amendment Bill.


The Hon. G. Weatherill, pursuant to notice, moved - That he have leave to introduce a Bill for an Act to amend the Parliament (Joint Services) Act 1985.

                 Question put and passed.

                 Bill introduced and read a first time.

                 Ordered - That the second reading be an Order of the Day for Wednesday, 18 November 1998.



(Joint Services) (Administrative Arrangements) Amendment Bill.


At four minutes past six o’clock the sitting was suspended until the ringing of the bells.

                 At fifteen minutes to eight o’clock the sitting was resumed.


Suspension and Resumption of Sitting.



On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the Hon. L. H. Davis - That the Report of the Statutory Authorities Review Committee, 1997-98:

                 Debate resumed.

                 Question put and passed.



Authorities Review Committee -

Report, 1997-98,

to be noted -

Motion re.



On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the Motion of the Treasurer - That the Report of the Auditor-General, 1997-98, be noted:

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Hon. R. R. Roberts, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday,
18 November 1998.


Report of the Auditor-General, 1997-98 to be noted - Motion re.



Ordered - That Order of the Day (Private Business) No. 3 be an Order of the Day for Wednesday
18 November 1998.



of Business.


The Minister for Transport and Urban Planning, by leave and at the request of the Attorney-General, pursuant to notice, moved - That she have leave to introduce a Bill for an Act to amend the Summary Offences Act 1953.

                 Question put and passed.

                 Bill introduced and read a first time.

                 The Minister for Transport and Urban Planning then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time.

                 On motion of the Hon. R. R. Roberts, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Summary Offences

(Offensive and

other Weapons)

Amendment Bill.


On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Address-in- Reply, as read, be adopted:

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Hon. P. Holloway, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.




Ordered - That the remaining Orders of the Day (Government Business) be Orders of the Day for next day of sitting.



of Business.


Council adjourned at twenty-seven minutes past nine o’clock until tomorrow at fifteen minutes past two o’clock.










Members present during any part of the sitting:




The Hon. T. G. Cameron

The Hon. T Crothers

The Hon. L. H. Davis

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. M. J. Elliott

The Hon. I. Gilfillan

The Hon. K. T. Griffin


The Hon. P. Holloway

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. A. J. Redford

The Hon. R. R. Roberts


The Hon. T. G. Roberts

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. J. F. Stefani

The Hon. G. Weatherill

The Hon. N. Xenophon

The Hon. C. Zollo