No. 69
1. |
Council met pursuant to adjournment. The President (The Hon. J. C. Irwin) took the Chair. The President read prayers.
of |
2. |
The Treasurer (The Hon. R. I. Lucas) without notice, moved - That the Standing Orders be so far suspended as to enable Petitions, the Tabling of Papers and Question Time to be taken into consideration at fifteen minutes past two o’clock. Question put and passed, without a dissentient voice, there being present an absolute majority of the whole number of Members of the Council.
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3. |
The Attorney-General, pursuant to notice, moved - That he have leave to introduce a Bill for an Act to amend the Evidence Act 1929; and to make related amendments to other Acts. Question put and passed. Bill introduced and read a first time. The Attorney-General then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time. On motion of the Hon. C. A. Pickles, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.
Evidence |
4. |
Ordered - That Orders of the Day (Government Business) No. 1 to No. 11 be postponed and taken into consideration on motion.
Postponement |
5. |
Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the question - That the Legal Practitioners (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed. Debate resumed. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Ordered - That the Bill’s consideration in Committee be postponed and taken into consideration on motion.
6. |
Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the question - That the Aquaculture Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed. Debate resumed. On motion of the Hon. L. H. Davis, the debate was adjourned and ordered to be resumed on motion.
Aquaculture Bill.
7. |
Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the question - That the Statutes Amendment (Bookmakers) Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed. Debate resumed.
Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. The President then left the Chair, and the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Bill.
In the Committee
Clauses No. 1 to No. 8 agreed to. Title agreed to. _____________________
The President resumed the Chair, and reported that the Committee had considered the Bill and had agreed to the same without amendment; whereupon the Council adopted such report. The Treasurer, pursuant to contingent notice, moved - That the Standing Orders be so far suspended as to enable the Bill to pass through its remaining stages without delay. Question put and passed. Bill read a third time. Resolved - That this Bill do now pass.
8. |
Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the question - That the Controlled Substances (Cannabis) Amendment Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed. Debate resumed. On motion of the Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins, the debate was adjourned and ordered to be resumed on motion.
9. |
Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the question - That the Aquaculture Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed. Debate resumed. And the Hon. T. G. Cameron, having obtained leave to conclude his remarks, the debate was adjourned and ordered to be resumed on motion.
Aquaculture Bill.
10. |
At two minutes past one o’clock the sitting was suspended until the ringing of the bells. At fifteen minutes past two o’clock the sitting was resumed.
11. |
The Clerk announced that the following Petitions had been lodged for presentation: By the Hon. S. M. Kanck from 506 residents of South Australia, concerning the reconciliation ferry proposal. The Petitioners pray that this Honourable House will provide its full support to the ferry location proposal and prioritise the ferry service on its merits as a transport, tourism, reconciliation, regional development and employment project and call for the urgent support of the Premier requesting that he engage, as soon as possible, in discussions with the Ngarrindjeri community to see this exciting and creative initiative become reality. |
By the Hon. C. A. Pickles from 198 residents of South Australia, concerning the development proposal for Transport SA land in Darlington/Seacombe Heights. The Petitioners pray that this Honourable House will request the Minister for Transport and Urban Planning not to approve the development of the land unless the safety concerns of residents are completely and definitely resolved.
No. 77
12. |
The following Papers were laid upon the Table, viz.: By the President - Electricity Industry Ombudsman SA - Report, 2000-2001. Corporation/District Council Reports, 2000-2001 - Mitcham. Karoonda East Murray. Southern Mallee. By the Treasurer (The Hon. R. I. Lucas) - Reports, 2000-2001 - Department for Water Resources. Education Adelaide. Eyre Peninsula Catchment Water Management Board. Onkaparinga Catchment Water Management Board.
Papers. |
Patawalonga Catchment Water Management Board. Torrens Catchment Water Management Board. Office for the Commissioner for Public Employment - South Australian Public Sector Workforce Information, June 2001. Budget Results, 2000-2001. By the Attorney-General (The Hon. K. T. Griffin) - Port Corp South Australia - Report, 2000-2001. By the Minister for Justice (The Hon. K. T. Griffin) - Reports, 2000-2001 - Emergency Services Administrative Unit. South Australian Commissioner for Equal Opportunity. By the Minister for Transport and Urban Planning (The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw) - Reports, 2000-2001 - Board of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium. Coast Protection Board. General Reserves Trust. Kangaroo Island Council. South Australian Psychological Board. By the Minister for the Arts (The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw) - South Australian Youth Arts Board - Report, 2000-2001. By the Minister for Workplace Relations (The Hon. R. D. Lawson) - Reports, 2000-2001 - Industrial Relations Advisory Committee. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Advisory Committee.
13. |
The Hon. T. G. Roberts brought up the Interim Report of the Joint Committee on Impact of Dairy Deregulation on the Industry in South Australia, together with Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence. Ordered - That the Interim Report be printed. (Paper No. 253)
14. |
Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the question - That the Aquaculture Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed. Debate resumed. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. The President then left the Chair, and the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Bill.
In the Committee
Clauses No. 1 to No. 7 agreed to. Clause No. 8 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 9, line 6, to leave out paragraph (b) and insert new paragraph as follows: “(b) to balance proposals for aquaculture development with competing demands for the use of or access to marine resources; and”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put. |
Aquaculture Bill.
Committee divided: Ayes, 5 The Hon. T. G. Cameron The Hon. M. J. Elliott The Hon. S. M. Kanck The Hon. N. Xenophon The Hon. I. Gilfillan (Teller)
So it passed in the negative. |
Noes, 16 The Hon. T. Crothers The Hon. L. H. Davis The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins The Hon. P. Holloway The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw The Hon. R. D. Lawson The Hon. R. I. Lucas The Hon. C. A. Pickles The Hon. A. J. Redford The Hon. R. R. Roberts The Hon. T. G. Roberts The Hon. C. V. Schaefer The Hon. R. K. Sneath The Hon. J. F. Stefani The Hon. C. Zollo The Hon. K. T. Griffin (Teller)
The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 9, before line 7, to insert new paragraph as follows: “(ba) to allocate environment protection and restoration costs arising from aquaculture equitably and in a manner that encourages responsible use of, and reduced harm to, the environment, with those engaged in aquaculture bearing an appropriate share of the costs; and”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put. |
Committee divided: Ayes, 5 The Hon. T. G. Cameron The Hon. M. J. Elliott The Hon. S. M. Kanck The Hon. N. Xenophon The Hon. I. Gilfillan (Teller)
So it passed in the negative. |
Noes, 15 The Hon. L. H. Davis The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins The Hon. P. Holloway The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw The Hon. R. D. Lawson The Hon. R. I. Lucas The Hon. C. A. Pickles The Hon. A. J. Redford The Hon. R. R. Roberts The Hon. T. G. Roberts The Hon. C. V. Schaefer The Hon. R. K. Sneath The Hon. J. F. Stefani The Hon. C. Zollo The Hon. K. T. Griffin (Teller)
Clause No. 8 agreed to. Clause No. 9 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 10, line 6, to leave out “for the efficient and effective regulation of the aquaculture industry” and insert “to achieve the objects of this Act”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived. Clause No. 9 agreed to. Clauses No. 10 and No. 11 agreed to. Clause No. 12 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 12, after line 6, to insert new subclause as follows: “(a1) This section sets out the normal procedure to be followed in making aquaculture policies.”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 12, after line 33, to insert the following: “and (c) stating that the submissions will be available for inspection by interested persons as provided by subsection (5a).
(5a) Where written submissions are made in response to an advertisement published under subsection (5), a copy of those submissions must be made available for inspection by interested persons during ordinary business hours at a place determined by the Minister from the end of the period specified for the making of submissions until the completion of consultation under this section.”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put. |
Committee divided: Ayes, 4 The Hon. T. G. Cameron The Hon. M. J. Elliott The Hon. N. Xenophon The Hon. I. Gilfillan (Teller)
So it passed in the negative. |
Noes, 16 The Hon. T. Crothers The Hon. L. H. Davis The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins The Hon. P. Holloway The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw The Hon. R. D. Lawson The Hon. R. I. Lucas The Hon. C. A. Pickles The Hon. A. J. Redford The Hon. R. R. Roberts The Hon. T. G. Roberts The Hon. C. V. Schaefer The Hon. R. K. Sneath The Hon. J. F. Stefani The Hon. C. Zollo The Hon. K. T. Griffin (Teller)
Clause No. 12 agreed to. Clauses No. 13 to No. 16 agreed to. Clause No. 17 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 15, line 5, to leave out “Minister” and insert “EPA”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put. |
Committee divided: Ayes, 5 The Hon. T. G. Cameron The Hon. M. J. Elliott The Hon. S. M. Kanck The Hon. N. Xenophon The Hon. I. Gilfillan (Teller)
So it passed in the negative. |
Noes, 15 The Hon. T. Crothers The Hon. L. H. Davis The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins The Hon. P. Holloway The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw The Hon. R. D. Lawson The Hon. C. A. Pickles The Hon. A. J. Redford The Hon. R. R. Roberts The Hon. T. G. Roberts The Hon. C. V. Schaefer The Hon. R. K. Sneath The Hon. J. F. Stefani The Hon. C. Zollo The Hon. K. T. Griffin (Teller)
Clause No. 17 agreed to. Clauses No. 18 to No. 21 agreed to. Clause No. 22 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 16, lines 28 to 30, to leave out subclause (5) and insert new subclause as follows: “(5) The Minister must set out in writing the Minister's reasons for a decision to grant or refuse an application for an aquaculture lease and, at the request of the applicant, give the applicant a copy of the reasons.”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived. Clause No. 22 agreed to. Clauses No. 23 to No. 24 agreed to. Clause No. 25 read.
The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 17, after line 16, to insert new subclause as follows: “(3) An aquaculture lease may not be renewed or its term extended unless the matter has been referred to the EPA under Part 8 and the EPA has approved the renewal or extension.”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived. Clause No. 25 agreed to. Clauses No. 26 to No. 49 agreed to. Clause No. 50 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 24, after line 12, to insert new subclause as follows: “(5) The Minister must set out in writing the Minister's reasons for a decision that a corresponding licence will be granted, or a decision to grant or refuse an application for an aquaculture licence.”. The Hon. P. Holloway moved on page 24, after line 12, to insert new subclause as follows: “(5) The Minister must, at the request of a person who has made a written submission to the Minister under subsection (1) or (3), give the person a written statement of the Minister’s reasons for the decision made by the Minister in relation to the matter on which submissions were invited.”. Question - That the amendment moved by the Hon. I. Gilfillan be agreed to - put and negatived. Question - That the amendment moved by the Hon. P. Holloway be agreed to - put and passed. Clause No. 50, as amended, agreed to. Clause No. 51 agreed to. Clause No. 52 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 24, after line 27, to insert new paragraph as follows: “(ia) except in the case of a proposed variation of a kind prescribed by regulation, the Minister— (A) has caused public notice of the proposed variation to be published in a newspaper circulating generally in the State and invited interested persons to make written submissions on the proposed variation within the period allowed in the notice; and (B) has taken any such submissions into account; and”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 24, after line 29, to insert new paragraph as follows: “(2) The Minister must set out in writing the Minister's reasons for a decision varying the conditions of an aquaculture licence.”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived. Clause No. 52 agreed to. Clause No. 53 read. To report progress and ask leave to sit again. _____________________
The President resumed the Chair and reported progress and obtained for the Committee leave to sit again on motion.
15. |
The following Messages from the House of Assembly were received and read: Message No. 130 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has passed the Bill transmitted herewith, entitled an Act to make provision relating to post-compulsory education, training and skills development; to establish the Training and Skills Commission; to repeal the Vocational Education, Employment and Training Act 1994; and for other purposes, to which it desires the concurrence of the Legislative Council. House of Assembly, 28 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker. Bill read a first time. The Treasurer then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time. On motion of the Hon. C. A. Pickles, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.
Messages from House of Assembly: Training and Skills Development Bill.
Message No. 131 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the Bill returned herewith, entitled an Act to amend the Oil Refinery (Hundred of Noarlunga) Indenture Act 1958 and the Mobil Lubricating Oil Refinery (Indenture) Act 1976, with the amendment indicated by the annexed Schedule, to which amendment the House of Assembly desires the concurrence of the Legislative Council. House of Assembly, 28 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
Schedule of the amendment made by the House of Assembly No. 1. Amendment of the Indenture 4. The Indenture in the Schedule to the principal Act is amended: (a) by striking out clause 5; (b) by striking out from clause 10(1) “A charge” and substituting “No charge”; (c) by striking out subclauses (2), (3) and (4) of clause 10; (d) by inserting in clause 10A(1) after paragraph (b) the following paragraph: (c) crude oil or condensate loaded by Mobil at the Company’s marine installations.; (e) by striking out subclauses (2), (3) and (4) of clause 10A. G. D. MITCHELL, Clerk of the House of Assembly. |
Ordered - That the Message be taken into consideration forthwith. The President then left the Chair, and the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Message.
In the Committee
Resolved - That the amendment be agreed to. _____________________
The President resumed the Chair, and reported accordingly; whereupon the Council adopted such report.
Message No. 132 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the Resolution contained in Message No. 130 from the Legislative Council relating to the Joint Committee on Impact of Dairy Deregulation on the Industry in South Australia, without any amendment. House of Assembly, 29 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
Message No. 133 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the Bill returned herewith, entitled an Act to amend the State Supply Act 1985, without any amendment. House of Assembly, 29 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
Message No. 134 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the Bill returned herewith, entitled an Act to amend Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995, without any amendment. House of Assembly, 29 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
Message No. 135 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the Bill returned herewith, entitled an Act to amend the Local Government Act 1999, without any amendment. House of Assembly, 29 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
Message No. 136 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the Resolution contained in Message No. 142 from the Legislative Council relating to the Joint Committee on Transport Safety, without any amendment. House of Assembly, 29 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
Committee on |
16. |
The Council, according to order, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the further consideration of the Aquaculture Bill.
In the Committee
Clause No. 53 further considered and agreed to. Clauses No. 54 to No. 59 agreed to. Clause No. 60 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 28, lines 4 and 5, to leave out “Administration and Disciplinary Division of the District Court” and insert “Environment, Resources and Development Court”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived. Clause No. 60 agreed to. Clauses No. 61 to No. 64 agreed to. Clause No. 65 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 30, line 2, to leave out “10” and insert “11”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 30, after line 10, to insert new paragraph as follows: “(ca) 1 must be a person chosen by the Minister from a panel of 3 persons nominated by the South Australian Fishing Industry Council; and”. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 30, lines 14 to 16, to insert new paragraph as follows: “(f) 1 must be a person chosen by the Minister from a panel of 3 persons nominated by the Conservation Council of South Australia Incorporated; and”. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 30, after line 18, to insert new paragraph as follows: “(ga) 1 must be a person chosen by the Minister from a panel of 3 persons nominated by the South Australian Recreational Fishing Advisory Council Incorporated; and”. Question - That the amendments be agreed to - put and negatived. Clause No. 65 agreed to. Clauses No. 66 to No. 79 agreed to. Clause No. 80 read. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 35, after line 12, to insert new paragraphs as follow: “(ea) details of any lease or licence suspension or cancellation; and (eb) details of any prosecution or other enforcement action under this Act; and (ec) details of receipts and expenditure from the Aquaculture Resource Management Fund; and”. Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived. Clause No. 80 agreed to. Clauses No. 81 and No. 82 agreed to. The Hon. I. Gilfillan moved on page 35, after line 30, to insert new clause as follows: PART 10A CIVIL ENFORCEMENT Civil enforcement 82A. (1) Any person may apply to the Environment, Resources and Development Court for an order to remedy or restrain a breach of this Act (whether or not any right of that person has been or may be infringed by or as a consequence of that breach). (2) Proceedings under this section may be brought in a representative capacity (but, if so, the consent of all persons on whose behalf the proceedings are brought must be obtained). (3) If proceedings under this section are brought by a person other than the Minister or the EPA, the applicant must serve a copy of the application on the Minister and the EPA within three days after filing the application with the Court. (4) An application may be made ex parte and, if the Court is satisfied on the application that the respondent has a case to answer, it may grant leave to the applicant to serve a summons requiring the respondent to appear before the Court to show cause why an order should not be made under this section. (5) An application under this section must, in the first instance, be referred to a conference under section 16 of the Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993.
Aquaculture Bill. |
(6) If— (a) after hearing— (i) the applicant and the respondent; and (ii) any other person who has, in the opinion of the Court, a proper interest in the subject matter of the proceedings and desires to be heard in the proceedings, the Court is satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that the respondent to the application has breached this Act; or (b) the respondent fails to appear in response to the summons or, having appeared, does not avail himself or herself of an opportunity to be heard, the Court may, by order, exercise any of the following powers: (c) require the respondent to refrain, either temporarily or permanently, from the act, or course of action, that constitutes the breach; (d) require the respondent to make good the breach in a manner, and within a period, specified by the Court, or to take such other action as may appear appropriate to the Court; (e) require the respondent to pay to any person who has suffered loss or damage as a result of the breach, or incurred costs or expenses as a result of the breach, compensation for the loss or damage or an amount for or towards those costs or expenses; (6) If— (f) if the Court considers it appropriate to do so, require the respondent to pay to the Minister an amount, determined by the Court, in the nature of exemplary damages. (7) In assessing damages under subsection (6)(f), the Court must have regard to— (a) any detriment to the public interest resulting from the breach; and (b) any financial or other benefit that the respondent sought to gain by committing the breach; and (c) any other matter it considers relevant. (8) The power conferred under subsection (6)(f) can only be exercised by a Judge of the Court. (9) The Minister or the EPA is entitled to appear, before a final order is made, and be heard in proceedings based on the application. (10) If, on an application under this section or before the determination of the proceedings commenced by the application, the Court is satisfied that, in order to preserve the rights or interests of parties to the proceedings or for any other reason, it is desirable to make an interim order under this section, the Court may make such an order. (11) An interim order— (a) may be made on an ex parte application; and (b) may be made whether or not the proceedings have been referred to a conference under subsection (5); and (c) will be made subject to such conditions as the Court thinks fit; and (d) will not operate after the proceedings in which it is made are finally determined. (12) Where the Court makes an order under subsection (6)(d) and the respondent fails to comply with the order within the period specified by the Court, the Minister or the EPA may cause any work contemplated by the order to be carried out, and may recover the costs of that work, as a debt, from the respondent. (13) Where an amount is recoverable from a person by the Minister or the EPA under subsection (12)— (a) the Minister or the EPA may, by notice in writing to the person, fix a period, being not less than 28 days from the date of the notice, within which the amount must be paid by the person, and, if the amount is not paid by the person within that period, the person is liable to pay interest charged at the prescribed rate per annum on the amount unpaid; and (b) the amount together with any interest charge so payable is until paid a charge in favour of the Minister or the EPA on any land owned by the person. (14) The Court may, if it thinks fit, adjourn proceedings under this section in order to permit the respondent to remedy any default.
(15) The Court may order an applicant in proceedings under this section— (a) to provide security for the payment of costs that may be awarded against the applicant if the application is subsequently dismissed; (b) to give an undertaking as to the payment of any amount that may be awarded against the applicant under subsection (16). (16) If on an application under this section the Court is satisfied— (a) that the respondent has not breached this Act; and (b) that the respondent has suffered loss or damage as a result of the actions of the applicant; and (c) that in the circumstances it is appropriate to make an order under this provision, the Court may, on the application of the respondent (and in addition to any order as to costs), require the applicant to pay to the respondent an amount, determined by the Court, to compensate the respondent for the loss or damage which the respondent has suffered. (17) The Court may, if it considers it appropriate to do so, either on its own initiative or on the application of a party, vary or revoke an order previously made under this section. (18) The Court may make such orders in relation to costs of proceedings under this section as it thinks fit. (19) Proceedings under this section may be commenced at any time within 3 years after the date of the alleged breach or, with the authorisation of the Attorney‑General, at any later time. (20) An apparently genuine document purporting to be under the hand of the Attorney-General and to authorise the commencement of proceedings under this section will be accepted in any legal proceedings, in the absence of proof to the contrary, as proof of the authorisation. Question - That new clause No. 82A, as proposed to be inserted by the Hon. I. Gilfillan, be so inserted - put and negatived. Clauses No. 83 to No. 91 agreed to. New clause No. 92 inserted. Schedule agreed to. Title agreed to. _____________________
The President resumed the Chair, and reported that the Committee had considered the Bill and had agreed to the same with amendments; whereupon the Council adopted such report. The Attorney-General, pursuant to contingent notice, moved - That the Standing Orders be so far suspended as to enable the Bill to pass through its remaining stages without delay. Question put and passed. Bill read a third time. Resolved - That this Bill do now pass.
17. |
The Attorney-General, without notice, moved - That the Standing Orders be so far suspended as to enable the sitting of the Council to be extended beyond 6.30 p.m. Question put and passed, without a dissentient voice, there being present an absolute majority of the whole number of Members of the Council.
18. |
Ordered - That the remaining Orders of the Day (Government Business) be Orders of the Day for next day of sitting.
19. |
Ordered - That Orders of the Day (Private Business) No. 1 to No. 8 be Orders of the Day for Wednesday, 13 February 2002.
20. |
The following Messages from the House of Assembly were received and read: Message No. 137 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the Bill returned herewith, entitled an Act to amend the Freedom of Information Act 1991; and to make consequential amendments to the Local Government Act 1934 and the Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act 1982, without any amendment. House of Assembly, 29 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
Message No. 138 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the Bill returned herewith, entitled an Act to amend the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995, without any amendment. House of Assembly, 29 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
21. |
The Treasurer moved - That the Council, at its rising, do adjourn until Tuesday, 12 February 2002, at fifteen minutes past two o’clock. Debate ensued. Question put and passed.
Day |
22. |
The following Messages from the House of Assembly were received and read: Message No. 139 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the Bill returned herewith, entitled an Act to amend the Building Work Contractors Act 1995, the Courts Administration Act 1993, the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935, the De Facto Relationships Act 1996, the District Court Act 1991, the Judicial Administration (Auxiliary Appointments and Powers) Act 1988, the Magistrates Court Act 1991, the Mining Act 1971, the Opal Mining Act 1995, the Petroleum Act 2000, the Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995, the Summary Procedure Act 1921, the Supreme Court Act 1935, the Unclaimed Goods Act 1987 and the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986, without any amendment. House of Assembly, 29 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
Message No. 140 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the amendments made by the Legislative Council in the Aquaculture Bill without amendment. House of Assembly, 29 November 2001. J.K.G. OSWALD, Speaker.
Aquaculture Bill.
23. |
Council adjourned at seven minutes to seven o’clock until Tuesday, 12 February 2002, at fifteen minutes past two o’clock.
Adjournment. |
Members present during any part of the sitting:
The Hon. T. G. Cameron The Hon. T. Crothers The Hon. L. H. Davis The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins The Hon. M. J. Elliott The Hon. I. Gilfillan The Hon. K. T. Griffin
The Hon. P. Holloway The Hon. S. M. Kanck The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw The Hon. R. D. Lawson The Hon. R. I. Lucas The Hon. C. A. Pickles The Hon. A. J. Redford |
The Hon. R. R. Roberts The Hon. T. G. Roberts The Hon. C. V. Schaefer The Hon. R. K. Sneath The Hon. J. F. Stefani The Hon. N. Xenophon The Hon. C. Zollo |
Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 6 December 2001
HER Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified for general information that she has, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, this day assented to the undermentioned Acts passed by the Legislative Council and House of Assembly in Parliament assembled, viz.:
No. 60 of 2001 - Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Miscellaneous No. 2) Amendment Act 2001. An Act to amend the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995. No. 61 of 2001 - Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2001. An Act to amend the Freedom of Information Act 1991; and to make consequential amendments to the Local Government Act 1934 and the Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act 1982. No. 62 of 2001 - Gene Technology Act 2001. An Act to regulate activities involving gene technology; to make a related amendment to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (South Australia) Act 1994; and for other purposes. No. 63 of 2001 - Retail and Commercial Leases (Casual Mall Licences) Amendment Act 2001. An Act to amend the Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995. No. 64 of 2001 - Statutes Amendment (Bookmakers) Act 2001. An Act to amend the Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000 and the Racing Act 1976. No. 65 of 2001 - Volunteers Protection Act 2001. An Act to protect volunteers in the community from personal liability; and for other purposes. No. 66 of 2001 - Aquaculture Act 2001. An Act to regulate marine and inland aquaculture; to amend the Environment Protection Act 1993 and the Fisheries Act 1982; and for other purposes. No. 67 of 2001 - Local Government (Consultation on Rating Policies) Amendment Act 2001. An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1999. No. 68 of 2001 - State Supply (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2001. An Act to amend the State Supply Act 1985. No. 69 of 2001 - Statutes Amendment (Courts and Judicial Administration) Act 2001. An Act to amend the Building Work Contractors Act 1995; the Courts Administration Act 1993; the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935; the De Facto Relationships Act 1996; the District Court Act 1991; the Judicial Administration (Auxiliary Appointments and Powers) Act 1988; the Magistrates Court Act 1991; the Mining Act 1971; the Opal Mining Act 1995; the Petroleum Act 2000; the Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995; the Summary Procedure Act 1921; the Supreme Court Act 1935; the Unclaimed Goods Act 1987 and the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986. No. 70 of 2001 - Statutes Amendment (Mobil Oil Refineries) Act 2001. An Act to amend the Oil Refinery (Hundred of Noarlunga) Indenture Act 1958 and the Mobil Lubricating Oil Refinery (Indenture) Act 1976.
By command, Robert Lawson, for Premier ______________
Proclamation By The Governor
PURSUANT to Section 6(1) of the Constitution Act 1934 and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, I - (a) prorogue the Parliament of South Australia until 3 April 2002; (b) dissolve the House of Assembly. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of South Australia, at Adelaide, 15 January 2002.
By command, Rob Kerin, for Premier ______________