No. 14


















Council met pursuant to adjournment.  The President (The Hon. R. R. Roberts) took the Chair.

                 The President read prayers.


Meeting of


The following Paper was laid upon the Table, viz.:

        By the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation (The Hon. T. G. Roberts) -

                 Social Development Committee, Sixteenth Report - Inquiry into Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Interim Response by the Minister for Health, the Hon. L. Stevens, M.P.




The Hon. C. Zollo brought up the Fifth Report, 2002-2003 of the Legislative Review Committee, which was read by the Clerk as follows -

                 The Regulations listed hereunder are at present being considered by the Legislative Review Committee.  Evidence is being taken on these matters and it is necessary for a Notice of Motion for Disallowance to be given in both Houses before the expiration of 14 sitting days, to allow the Committee time to complete its deliberations.

                 Honourable Members are warned that after further consideration has been given to the
Regulations, the Committee may decide to take no further action.

                 Regulations referred to -

Controlled Substances Act 1984 - Simple Cannabis Offences.

Housing and Urban Development (Administrative Arrangements) Act 1995 - Functions of HomeStart.


Committee -
Fifth Report,


The Hon. C. Zollo brought up the Sixth Report, 2002-2003 of the Legislative Review Committee.


Committee -
Sixth Report,



The Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (The Hon. P. Holloway), tabled a copy of a Ministerial Statement made by the Premier (The Hon. M. D. Rann, M.P.) concerning World Environment Day.


Paper Tabled.


The Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, tabled a copy of a Ministerial Statement made by the Minister for Government Enterprises (The Hon. P. F. Conlon, M.P.) concerning Temporary Gas Rationing pursuant to the Gas Act 1997.


Paper Tabled.


The Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, tabled a copy of a Ministerial Statement made by the Minister for Health (The Hon. L. Stevens, M.P.) concerning Public Consultation regarding New Regulations under the Food Act 2001.


Paper Tabled.


The President called on Members to make Statements on Matters of Interest.


on Matters
of Interest.



Ordered - separately - That Notices of Motion (Private Business) No. 1 and No. 2 be Orders of the Day for Wednesday, 10 July 2002.


of Business.


The Hon. R. D. Lawson, by leave, at the request and on behalf of the Hon. D. V. Laidlaw, pursuant to notice, moved - That this Council congratulates Kasey Chambers on winning the Australasian Performing Right Association 2002 Music Award as Song Writer of the Year.

                 And the Hon. R. D. Lawson having obtained leave to conclude his remarks, the debate was adjourned and ordered to be resumed on motion.


Success of
Kasey Chambers -
Motion re.


The Hon. R. D. Lawson, by leave, at the request and on behalf of the Hon. D. V. Laidlaw, pursuant to notice, moved - That this Council acknowledges the announcement by NWS Channel 9 on 4 June 2002 to invest in a third series of “MacLeod’s Daughters” and recognises that this prime time television drama being filmed north of Gawler provides important continuity of employment for South Australia’s highly skilled crews, additional work for our artists, plus economic and tourism benefits for the State.

                 And the Hon. R. D. Lawson having obtained leave to conclude his remarks, the debate was adjourned and ordered to be resumed on motion.


Third Series of “MacLeod’s Daughters” -
Motion re.


The Hon. I. Gilfillan, pursuant to notice, moved - That he have leave to introduce a Bill for an Act to amend the City of Adelaide Act 1998.

                 Question put and passed.

                 Bill introduced and read a first time.

                 The Hon. I. Gilfillan then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time.

                 On motion of the Hon. C. Zollo, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


City of Adelaide
(Abolition of
Capital City
Amendment Bill.


The Hon. T. G. Cameron, pursuant to notice, moved - That he have leave to introduce a Bill for an Act to establish a tribunal to determine the remuneration and related entitlements payable to members of Parliament, and to provide for new superannuation arrangements for members of Parliament; to repeal the Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1990; to amend the Parliamentary Superannuation Act 1974; and for other purposes.

                 Question put and passed.

                 Bill introduced and read a first time.

                 The Hon. T. G. Cameron then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time.

                 On motion of the Hon. C. Zollo, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday, 10 July 2002.


Parliamentary Entitlements Bill.


Ordered - separately - That Orders of the Day (Private Business) No. 1 to No. 3 be Orders of the Day for Wednesday, 10 July 2002.


of Business.


Ordered - That Order of the Day (Private Business) No. 4 be discharged.





Ordered - That Order of the Day (Private Business) No. 5 be discharged.





Ordered - That Order of the Day (Private Business) No. 6 be an Order of the Day for Wednesday, 10 July 2002.


of Business.


Ordered - That Order of the Day (Private Business) No. 7 be an Order of the Day for next day of sitting.


of Business.


On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Statutes Amendment (Road Safety Initiatives No. 2) Bill be now read a second time:

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday, 10 July 2002.


(Road Safety
Initiatives No. 2)



The Hon. R. K. Sneath, pursuant to notice, moved – That this Council congratulates former Port Adelaide Football Club player and coach, John Cahill, who recently became the 23rd South Australian inducted in the Australian Football Hall of Fame.

                 Debate ensued.

                 On motion of the Hon. T. G. Cameron, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday, 10 July 2002.


Induction of
John Cahill into
Australian Football
Hall of Fame -Motion re.


Ordered - That Order of the Day (Private Business) No. 10 be postponed and taken into consideration on motion.


of Business.


Ordered - That Order of the Day (Private Business) No. 11 be an Order of the Day for Wednesday, 10 July 2002.


of Business.


On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the motion of the Hon. N. Xenophon - That this Council requests that the Statutory Authorities Review Committee inquire into the following:

         I.      The policies and practices of the Housing Trust of South Australia in relation to -

(a)     dealing with difficult and disruptive tenants; and

(b)     protecting the rights of Housing Trust tenants and residents to the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of their homes and neighbourhoods.

        II.     Reforms to Housing Trust policies and practices of dealing with difficult and disruptive tenants to ensure the basic needs of neighbouring tenants and residents to the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of their homes and neighbourhoods:

                 Debate resumed.

                 The Hon. R. K. Sneath moved to amend the motion by leaving out the words “That this Council requests that the Statutory Authorities Review Committee inquire into the following:” and inserting “That this Council requests that the Social Development Committee inquire into the following:”, by leaving out of paragraph I the words “Housing Trust of South Australia” and inserting “tribunals covered by the Residential Tenancies Act 1995”, by leaving out the words “Housing Trust” in subparagraph (b) and by leaving out of paragraph II the words “Housing Trust”.

                 On motion of the Hon. C. V. Schaefer, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Policies and
Practices of the
Housing Trust of
South Australia -
Statutory Authorities
Review Committee
to inquire into - Motion re.



Ordered - separately - That Orders of the Day (Private Business) No. 13 to No. 16 be Orders of the Day for next day of sitting.


of Business.


On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the motion of the Hon. I. Gilfillan -

        I.      That, in the opinion of this Council, a Joint Committee be appointed to inquire into and report on the impact of dairy deregulation on the industry in South Australia and in so doing, consider -

(a)     Was deregulation managed in a fair and equitable manner?

(b)     What has been the impact of deregulation on the industry in South Australia?

(c)     What is the future prognosis for the deregulated industry?

(d)     Other relevant matters.

       II.      That, in the event of a Joint Committee being appointed, the Legislative Council be represented thereon by three Members, of whom two shall form a quorum of Council Members necessary to be present at all sittings of the Committee.

     III.      That this Council permits the Joint Committee to authorise the disclosure or publication, as it thinks fit, of any evidence or documents presented to the Committee prior to such evidence being reported to the Council.

     IV.      That a Message be sent to the House of Assembly transmitting the foregoing Resolution and requesting its concurrence thereto:

                 Debate resumed.

                 The Hon. C. V. Schaefer moved to amend the motion in paragraph I, after subparagraph (c) by inserting new subparagraph as follows:

“(ca)    The significant number of opportunities available to the dairy industry as a result of modern techniques, value adding and marketing, including those in the proposed industry plan”.

                 Question - That new subparagraph (ca), as proposed to be inserted by the Hon. C. V. Schaefer, be so inserted - put and passed.


Dairy Deregulation -
Motion for
Joint Committee on.


                 Question - That the motion moved by the Hon. I. Gilfillan, and as amended by the Hon.  C. V. Schaefer, be agreed to - put and passed.




On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the motion of the Hon. D. V. Laidlaw - That the Council requests the Statutory Authorities Review Committee to undertake an immediate inquiry into the efficiency and effectiveness of the Passenger Transport Board in performing its objects under the Passenger Transport Act 1994, and in relation to the integration of infrastructure and service delivery across the metropolitan area and in regional and rural areas of the State:

                 Debate resumed.

                 Question put and passed.


Transport Board -
Authorities Review
Committee to
inquire into -
Motion re.


At five minutes to six o’clock the sitting was suspended until the ringing of the bells.

                 At fifteen minutes to eight o’clock the sitting was resumed.


Suspension and
Resumption of


On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Gaming Machines (Limitation on Exception to Freeze) Amendment Bill be now read a second time:

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Gaming Machines
(Limitation on
to Freeze) Amendment Bill.



Ordered - separately - That Orders of the Day (Private Business) No. 20 and No. 21 be Orders of the Day for Wednesday, 10 July 2002.


of Business.


Ordered - That Order of the Day (Private Business) No. 22 be an Order of the Day for next day of sitting.


of Business.


On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the motion of the Hon. S. M. Kanck - That the Legislative Council requests the Social Development Committee to investigate and report on the issue of the impact of supported accommodation needs on South Australian people with a disability (including mental illness, physical disability, brain injury, intellectual disability and neurological disability), their families and the community, and in particular:

               I.      Current levels of supported accommodation services available in metropolitan and rural regional areas.

             II.      The quality of supported accommodation currently available.

            III.      Number of people waiting for supported accommodation.

            IV.      Waiting times for supported accommodation.

             V.      Alternatives available for people waiting for supported accommodation.

            VI.      Impact of ‘deinstitutionalisation’ on accommodation needs for people with a disability.

           VII.      Any other related matter:

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Hon. A. J. Redford, the debate was adjourned and ordered to be resumed on motion.


Accommodation -
Social Development
to inquire into -
Motion re.


Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the on the question - That the Dignity in Dying Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed.

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, the debate was adjourned until Wednesday, 10 July 2002.


Dignity in
Dying  Bill.


Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the motion of the Hon. S. M. Kanck - That the Legislative Council requests the Social Development Committee to investigate and report on the issue of the impact of supported accommodation needs on South Australian people with a disability (including mental illness, physical disability, brain injury, intellectual disability and neurological disability), their families and the community, and in particular:

               I.        Current levels of supported accommodation services available in metropolitan and rural regional areas.

             II.        The quality of supported accommodation currently available.


Accommodation -
Social Development
to inquire into -
Motion re.


            III.        Number of people waiting for supported accommodation.

            IV.        Waiting times for supported accommodation.

             V.        Alternatives available for people waiting for supported accommodation.

            VI.        Impact of ‘deinstitutionalisation’ on accommodation needs for people with a disability.

    VII.      Any other related matter - be now resumed.

                 Debate resumed.

                 Question put and passed.




Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the motion of the Hon. D. V. Laidlaw - That this Council congratulates Kasey Chambers on winning the Australasian Performing Right Association 2002 Music Award as Song Writer of the Year - be now resumed.

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Hon. A. J. Redford, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Success of
Kasey Chambers -
Motion re.


Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the motion of the Hon. D. V. Laidlaw - That this Council acknowledges the announcement by NWS Channel 9 on 4 June 2002 to invest in a third series of “MacLeod’s Daughters” and recognises that this prime time television drama being filmed north of Gawler provides important continuity of employment for South Australia’s highly skilled crews, additional work for our artists, plus economic and tourism benefits for the State - be now resumed.

                 Debate resumed.

                 And the Hon. D. V. Laidlaw having obtained leave to conclude her remarks, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Third Series of MacLeod’s Daughters” -
Motion re.


Ordered - That Order of the Day (Government Business) No. 1 be an Order of the Day for next Day of sitting.


of Business.


On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Supply Bill be now read a second time:

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Supply Bill.


Council adjourned at twenty-seven minutes to ten o’clock until tomorrow at fifteen minutes past two o’clock.










Members present during any part of the sitting:




The Hon. T. G. Cameron

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. M. J. Elliott

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. Gazzola

The Hon. I. Gilfillan


The Hon. P. Holloway

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. D. V. Laidlaw

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. A. J. Redford

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. T. G. Roberts

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. R. K. Sneath

The Hon.  J. F. Stefani

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. N. Xenophon

The Hon. C. Zollo





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