No. 55













TUESDAY  6  MAY  2008





Council met pursuant to adjournment.  The President (The Hon. R. K. Sneath) took the Chair.

                 The President read prayers.


Meeting of


The Minister for Police (The Hon. P. Holloway), by leave, without notice, moved - That the sitting of the Council be not suspended during the continuation of the Conference on the Legal Profession Bill.

                 Question put and passed.


Legal Profession Bill.


The following Papers were laid upon the Table, viz.:

        By the Minister for Police -

                 Regulations under the following Act -

                          Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986 - Scales of Medical and Other Charges - Variation.

        By the Minister for Urban Development and Planning (The Hon. P. Holloway) -

                 Regulations under the following Act -

                          Development Act 1993 - Significant Trees.

          By the Minister for Environment and Conservation (The Hon. G. E. Gago) -

                 Regulations under the following Act -

                          Public and Environmental Health Act 1987 - Controlled Notifiable Diseases.




The Minister for Police tabled the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Abuse Children on Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands.

                 Ordered - That the Report be published in accordance with Section 25 of the Defamation Act 2005.


Paper tabled.


The Minister for Police, by leave, tabled a copy of a Ministerial Statement made by the Premier (The Hon. M. D. Rann, M.P.) concerning Commissioner Mulligan’s Report into the APY Lands.


Statement Tabled.


The Minister for Environment and Conservation, by leave, tabled a copy of a Ministerial Statement made by the Minister for Health (The Hon. J. D. Hill, M.P.) concerning a Review of Health and Medical Research in South Australia.


Statement Tabled.


The Minister for Police moved - That Orders of the Day (Government Business) No. 1 to No. 6 be postponed and taken into consideration after Order of the Day (Government Business) No. 7.

                 Question put.

of Business.


             Council divided:

Ayes, 7

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo

The Hon. P. Holloway (Teller)








      So it passed in the negative.



Noes, 14

The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. M. C. Parnell

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway (Teller)





The Council, according to order, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the further consideration of the Development (Regulated Trees) Amendment Bill.


In the Committee


                          Clause No. 4 further considered.

                          To report progress and ask leave to sit again.



                 The President resumed the Chair and reported progress and obtained for the Committee leave to sit again on next day of sitting.


(Regulated Trees)
Amendment Bill.


The Council, according to order, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill.


In the Committee


                          Clause No. 1 read.

                 The Hon. M. C. Parnell moved on page 3, line 3, to leave out “(Control)” and insert “(Restrictions on Freedom of Association)”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived.

                          Clause No. 1 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 2 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 3 read.

                 The Hon. M. C. Parnell moved on page 4, lines 7 to 11, to leave out the definition of “criminal intelligence”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put.

Serious and
Organised Crime
(Control) Bill.


             Committee divided:

Ayes, 2

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. M. C. Parnell  (Teller)


















      So it passed in the negative.


Noes, 19

The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo

The Hon. P. Holloway (Teller)





                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 5, lines 1 to 4, to leave out the definition of “serious criminal offences” and insert the following:

serious criminal offences means offences of the following kinds:

       (a)       an offence against Part 5 Division 2 or 3 of the Controlled Substances Act 1984;

       (b)       an indictable offence against the Firearms Act 1977;

       (c)       an offence against the person under Part 3 of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935;

       (d)       an offence of robbery or aggravated robbery;

       (e)       home invasion;

       (f)        an offence of damage to property by fire or explosives;

       (g)       a conspiracy to commit, or an attempt to commit, an offence referred to in a preceding paragraph;

       (h)       an indictable offence committed in circumstances in which the offender uses violence or a threat of violence for the purpose of committing the offence, in the course of committing the offence, or for the purpose of escaping from the scene of the offence.”.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved - That the Chairperson report progress and seek leave for the Committee to sit again.

                 Question put and negatived.

                 Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

                          Clause No. 3 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 4 read.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 5, lines 12 and 13, to leave out the “Without derogating from subsection (1), it is not the intention of the Parliament that the powers in this Act” and insert “The powers in this Act must not”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put.



             Committee divided:

Ayes, 2

The Hon. M. C. Parnell

The Hon. S. M. Kanck (Teller)


















      So it passed in the negative.


Noes, 19

The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. P. Holloway

The Hon. C. Zollo  (Teller)




                          Clause No. 4 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 5 read.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 5, lines 15 to 18, to leave out clause 5.

                 Question - That clause 5 stand as printed - put and passed.

                          Clause No. 5 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 6 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 7 read.

                 The Hon. M. C. Parnell moved on page 5, lines 22 to 28, to leave out clause No. 7 and insert new clause as follows:


The Commissioner may not delegate any function or power of the Commissioner under this Act except to a Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of Police.”.

                 Question - That clause No. 7 stand as printed - put.



             Committee divided:

Ayes, 17

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. P. Holloway

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo (Teller)

      So it was resolved in the affirmative.


Noes, 2

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. M. C. Parnell (Teller)




                          Clause No. 7 agreed to.

                          Clauses No. 8 and No. 9 agreed to.

                          Clause No 10 read.

                          To report progress and ask leave to sit again.



                 The President resumed the Chair and reported progress and obtained for the Committee leave to sit again on motion.




At four minutes past six o’clock the sitting was suspended until the ringing of the bells.

                 At fifteen minutes to eight o’clock the sitting was resumed.


Suspension and
Resumption of



The Council, according to order, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill.


In the Committee


                          Clause No. 10 further considered.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 6, lines 28 to 30, to leave out subclause (2) and insert:

     “(2)      The Attorney-General must not make a declaration under this section in relation to an application unless—

      (a)       the Attorney-General has undertaken consultation with the Commissioner for Social Inclusion (or, if no person is appointed as the Commissioner for Social Inclusion, with the Minister for Families and Communities) in relation to the impacts of such a declaration on persons or groups likely to be affected by the declaration; and

      (b)      the period for making submissions in relation to the application referred to in section 9(b) has expired.”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 7, line 6, to leave out “or overseas”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived.

                          Clause No. 10 otherwise amended and agreed to.

                          Clauses No. 11 and No. 12 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 13 read.

                 The Hon. S. G. Wade moved on page 7, line 38, after “Part 6” to insert: “, a court” and on page 7, after line 39, to insert:

     “(3)      In any proceedings relating to the making of a declaration under this Part, the court determining the proceedings—

      (a)       must, on the application of the Commissioner, take steps to maintain the confidentiality of information properly classified by the Commissioner as criminal intelligence, including steps to receive evidence and hear argument about the information in private in the absence of the parties to the proceedings and their representatives; and

      (b)      may take evidence consisting of, or relating to, information that is so classified by the Commissioner by way of affidavit of a police officer of or above the rank of superintendent.”.

                 Question - That the amendments be agreed to - put.



             Committee divided:

Ayes, 10

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. M. C. Parnell

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade (Teller)


      So it passed in the negative.


Noes, 11

The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. P. Holloway

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo (Teller)




                 Question - That clause No. 13 stand as printed - put.



             Committee divided:

Ayes, 9

The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo

The Hon. P. Holloway (Teller)




      So it passed in the negative.


Noes, 12

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. M. C. Parnell (Teller)



                          Clause No. 13 struck out.

                          The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 7, after line 30, to insert new clauses as follow:

13—Appeals to Supreme Court

      (1)       A member of an organisation may appeal to the Supreme Court against a decision of the Attorney-General to make a declaration in relation to the organisation under this Part.

      (2)       The Commissioner is entitled to be joined as a party to an appeal under subsection (1) (and may appear in the proceedings personally or may be represented by counsel or a police officer).

      (3)       The Commissioner may appeal to the Supreme Court against a decision of the Attorney-General to revoke a declaration under this Part.

      (4)       An appeal must be commenced within the time, and in accordance with the procedure, prescribed by rules of the Supreme Court.

      (5)       The commencement of an appeal under subsection (1) does not affect the operation of the declaration to which the appeal relates.

      (6)       On an appeal, the Supreme Court may—

      (a)       confirm, vary or reverse the decision subject to appeal; and

      (b)      make any consequential or ancillary order.

13A—Criminal intelligence

      (1)       No information provided by the Commissioner to a court for the purposes of proceedings relating to the making or revocation of a declaration may be disclosed to any person (except to the Attorney‑General, a person or Committee conducting a review under Part 6, a court or a person to whom the Commissioner authorises its disclosure) if the information is properly classified by the Commissioner as criminal intelligence.

      (2)       In any proceedings relating to the making or revocation of a control order, the court determining the proceedings—

      (a)       must, on the application of the Commissioner, take steps to maintain the confidentiality of information properly classified by the Commissioner as criminal intelligence, including steps to receive evidence and hear argument about the information in private in the absence of the parties to the proceedings and their representatives; and

      (b)      may take evidence consisting of, or relating to, information that is so classified by the Commissioner by way of affidavit of a police officer of or above the rank of superintendent.”.

                 Question - That new clauses No. 13 and No. 13A, as proposed to be inserted, be so inserted - put.



             Committee divided:

Ayes, 2

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. M. C. Parnell (Teller)


















      So it passed in the negative.


Noes, 19

The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo

The Hon. P. Holloway (Teller)



                          Clause No. 14 read.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 8, line 3, to leave out “must” and insert “may”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 8, line 5, after “organisation” to insert “and that the making of the order is appropriate in the circumstances”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived.

                 The Hon. M. C. Parnell moved on page 8, lines 8 to 11, to leave out paragraph (a).

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 8, lines 9 and 10, to leave out “has been a member of a declared organisation or engages, or has engaged,” and insert “is a relevant former member of a declared organisation or engages”.

                 Question - That all words down to but excluding “has been a member” in line 9, stand as printed - put.



             Committee divided:

Ayes, 19

The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo

The Hon. P. Holloway (Teller)

      So it was resolved in the affirmative.


Noes, 2

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. M. C. Parnell (Teller)




        Question - That the amendment moved by the Hon. S. M. Kanck be agreed to - put.



             Committee divided:

Ayes, 2

The Hon. M. C. Parnell

The Hon. S. M. Kanck (Teller)


















      So it passed in the negative.


Noes, 19

The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo

The Hon. P. Holloway (Teller)



                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 9, line 11, after “application” to insert “(including, without limitation, any social or cultural reasons or community obligations)”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put.



             Committee divided:

Ayes, 10

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas

The Hon. M. C. Parnell

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. S. M. Kanck (Teller)


      So it passed in the negative.


Noes, 11

The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo

The Hon. P. Holloway (Teller)



                          Clause No. 14 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 15 read.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 9, line 32, after “section 17”, to insert:

                          “and information about where legal advice can be obtained”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived.

                          Clause No. 15 agreed to.

                          Clauses No. 16 to No. 18 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 19 read.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 11, lines 16 and 17, to leave out subclause (2).

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived.

                          Clause No. 19 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 20 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 21 read.

                 The Hon. S. M. Kanck moved on page 12, line 4, after “person” to insert “or Committee”.

                 Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and negatived.

                          Clause No. 21 agreed to.

                          Clause No. 22 read.

                          To report progress and ask leave to sit again.



                 The President resumed the Chair and reported progress and obtained for the Committee leave to sit again on next day of sitting.




Ordered - That all remaining Orders of the Day (Government Business) be Orders of the Day for next day of sitting.


of Business.


Ordered - That the Council, at its rising, do adjourn until tomorrow at eleven o’clock a.m.


Next Day
of Sitting.


The following Messages from the House of Assembly were received and read:

Message No. 93

                 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has passed the Bill transmitted herewith, entitled an Act for the appropriation of money from the Consolidated Account for the financial year ending on 30 June 2009, to which it desires the concurrence of the Legislative Council.

House of Assembly, 1 May 2008.                                                              J. J. SNELLING, Speaker.

                 Bill read a first time.

                 The Minister for Police then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time.

                 On motion of the Hon. D. W. Ridgway, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Messages from House of Assembly:
Supply Bill.


Message No. 94

                 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the amendment made by the Legislative Council in the Statutes Amendment (Real Property) Bill, without any amendment.

House of Assembly, 1 May 2008.                                                              J. J. SNELLING, Speaker.


Statutes Amendment
(Real Property) Bill.


Message No. 95

                 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has passed the Bill transmitted herewith, entitled an Act to amend the Local Government Act 1999, to which it desires the concurrence of the Legislative Council.

House of Assembly, 6 May 2008.                                                              J. J. SNELLING, Speaker.

                 Bill read a first time.

                 The Minister for Police then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time.

                 On motion of the Hon. D. W. Ridgway, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Local Government
Amendment Bill.


Message No. 96

                 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has passed the Bill transmitted herewith, entitled an Act to amend the Pay-roll Tax Act 1971, to which it desires the concurrence of the Legislative Council.

House of Assembly, 6 May 2008.                                                              J. J. SNELLING, Speaker.

                 Bill read a first time.

                 The Minister for Police then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time.

                 On motion of the Hon. D. W. Ridgway, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Pay-roll Tax
Amendment Bill.


Message No. 97

                 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has passed the Bill transmitted herewith, entitled an Act to amend the Controlled Substances Act 1984, to which it desires the concurrence of the Legislative Council.

House of Assembly, 6 May 2008.                                                              J. J. SNELLING, Speaker.

                 Bill read a first time.

                 Ordered - That the second reading be an Order of the Day for next day of sitting.


(Controlled Drugs,
Precursors and
Amendment Bill.



Message No. 98

                 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has passed the Bill transmitted herewith, entitled an Act to amend the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995, to which it desires the concurrence of the Legislative Council.

House of Assembly, 6 May 2008.                                                              J. J. SNELLING, Speaker.

                 Bill read a first time.

                 Ordered - That the second reading be an Order of the Day for next day of sitting.


(Publications, Films
and Computer
Process) Amendment


Council adjourned at one minute to twelve o’clock until tomorrow at eleven o’clock a.m.











Members present during any part of the sitting:




The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. A. L. Evans

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola


The Hon. P. Holloway

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon. I. K. Hunter

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas


The Hon. M. C. Parnell

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo