No. 9


















Council met pursuant to adjournment.  The President (The Hon. R. K. Sneath) took the Chair.

                 The President read prayers.


Meeting of


A Messenger from the Governor having been announced by Black Rod, the following Message was received and read:

Message No. 1.

                 The Governor informs the Legislative Council that, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, the following Acts have been assented to during the Third Session of the 51st Parliament, viz.:

                 No. 38 of 2008 - An Act to amend the Emergency Services Funding Act 1998, the Land Tax Act 1936, the Pay-roll Tax Act 1971, the Stamp Duties Act 1923 and the Taxation Administration Act 1996 and to repeal the Taxation (Reciprocal Powers) Act 1989.

                 No. 39 of 2008 - An Act to amend the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995.

Government House, Adelaide, 28 October 2008.                                     KEVIN SCARCE, Governor.


Message from
Assent to Bills.


Answer to Question on Notice No. 264 of the Second Session received this day, was tabled by the President who directed that it be distributed and printed in Hansard.


Answer to
Question on


The following Papers were laid upon the Table, viz.:

        By the Minister for Mineral Resources Development (The Hon. P. Holloway) -

                 Reports, 2007-2008 -

                          Auditor-General’s Department.

                          Legal Services Commission of South Australia.

                          Office of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity.

                          South Australian Classification Council.

                          State Electoral Office.

                          Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005.

                 Water and Wastewater Prices in Metropolitan and Regional South Australia - Transparency Statement, 2008-2009.

        By the Minister for Urban Development and Planning (The Hon. P. Holloway) -

                 Regulation under the following Act -

                          Development Act 1993 - Tramline - Schedule 3 Activities.



        By the Minister for Correctional Services (The Hon. C. Zollo) -

                 Reports, 2007-2008 -

                          Advisory Board of Agriculture.

                          Chicken Meat Industry Act 2003.

                          Dairy Authority of South Australia.

                          Office for the Ageing.

                          Phylloxera and Grape Industry Board of South Australia.

                          South Australian Citrus Industry Development Board.

                          South Australian Housing Trust.

                          Witness Protection Act 1996.

                 Regulations under the following Act -

                          Fisheries Management Act 2007 -

                                   Fish Processors - Delivery of Cockles.

                                   Marine Scalefish Fisheries - Cockle Quotas.

                                   Rock Lobster Fisheries - Cockle Quotas.

        By the Minister for State/Local Government Relations (The Hon. G. E. Gago) -

                 Corporation By-laws - Roxby Downs -

                          No. 1 - Permits and Penalties.

                          No. 2 - Dogs and Cats.

                 Regulations under the following Act -

                          Controlled Substances Act 1984 -

                                   General -

                                             Prescribed Equipment.

                                             Taking of Cannabis Samples.

        By the Minister for Consumer Affairs (The Hon. G. E. Gago) -

                 Regulations under the following Act -

                          Liquor Licensing Act 1997 -

                                   Dry Areas -

                                             Adelaide and North Adelaide.





The Minister for Correctional Services, by leave, tabled a copy of a Ministerial Statement made by the Minister for Emergency Services (The Hon. M. J. Wright, M.P.) concerning the SA Aerial Fire-Fighting Fleet.


Statement Tabled.


The Minister for Correctional Services, by leave, tabled a copy of a Ministerial Statement made by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (The Hon. R. J. McEwen, M.P.) concerning the Disallowance of Regulations made under the Fisheries Management Act 2007.


Statement Tabled.


Ordered - That Orders of the Day (Government Business) No. 1 to No. 5 be postponed and taken into consideration after Order of the Day (Government Business) No. 6.


of Business.


On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill be now read a second time:

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Hon. I. K. Hunter the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Powers) Bill.


Ordered - That Orders of the Day (Government Business) No. 1 to No. 5 be postponed and taken into consideration after Order of the Day (Government Business) No. 7.


of Business.



On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Murray-Darling Basin Bill be now read a second time:

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Basin Bill.


Ordered - That Orders of the Day (Government Business) No. 1 to No. 3 be Orders of the Day for next day of sitting.


of Business.


Ordered - That Orders of the Day (Government Business) No. 4 and No. 5 be postponed and taken into consideration on motion.


of Business.


On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Nursing and Midwifery Practice Bill be now read a second time:

                 Debate resumed.

                 On motion of the Hon. T. J. Stephens the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Nursing and
Midwifery Practice


Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the question - That the Long Service Leave (Unpaid Leave) Amendment Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed.

                 On motion of the Hon. B. V. Finnigan the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Long Service Leave
(Unpaid Leave)
Amendment Bill.


Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the question - That the Liquor Licensing (Power to Bar) Amendment Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed.

                 On motion of the Hon. B. V. Finnigan the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Liquor Licensing
(Power to Bar)
Amendment Bill.


The following Messages from the House of Assembly were received and read:

Message No. 9

                 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has agreed to the amendments made by the Legislative Council in the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill, without amendment.

House of Assembly, 16 October 2008.                                                                J. J. SNELLING, Speaker.


Messages from
House of Assembly:
Films and
Computer Games)
Amendment Bill.



Message No. 10

                 MR. PRESIDENT - The House of Assembly has passed the Bill transmitted herewith entitled an Act to restrict the supply of  single use plastic shopping bags, to which it desires the concurrence of the Legislative Council.

House of Assembly, 16 October 2008.                                                                J. J. SNELLING, Speaker.

                 Bill read a first time.

                 The Minister for Mineral Resources Development then moved - That this Bill be now read a second time.

                 On motion of the Hon. D. W. Ridgway, the debate was adjourned until next day of sitting.


Plastic Shopping
Bags (Waste
Avoidance) Bill.


Council adjourned at twenty five minutes past six o’clock until tomorrow at fifteen minutes past two o’clock.










Members present during any part of the sitting:




The Hon. A. M. Bressington

The Hon. R. L. Brokenshire

The Hon. J. A. Darley

The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins

The Hon. B. V. Finnigan

The Hon. G. E. Gago

The Hon. J. M. Gazzola


The Hon. P. Holloway

The Hon. D.G.E. Hood

The Hon I. K. Hunter

The Hon. S. M. Kanck

The Hon. R. D. Lawson

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink

The Hon. R. I. Lucas


The Hon. M. C. Parnell

The Hon. D. W. Ridgway

The Hon. C. V. Schaefer

The Hon. T. J. Stephens

The Hon. S. G. Wade

The Hon. R. P. Wortley

The Hon. C. Zollo