





2007 - 2008












Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee - Report, 2006-07 (February 26)




Aboriginal Lands Trust - Report, 2004-05 (November 22)




Aboriginal Lands Trust - Report, 2005-06 (November 22)




Adelaide Cemeteries Authority - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




Adelaide City Council - Report, 2006-07 (April 2)




Adelaide Convention Centre - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Act 2005 - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




Adelaide Entertainment Centre - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Adelaide Festival Centre - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Adelaide Festival Corporation - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Adelaide Film Festival - Report, 2006-07 (June 19)




Adelaide Hills Wine Industry Fund - Report, 2007-08 (April 9)




Administrative and Information Services, Department for - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Advisory Board of Agriculture - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Ageing, Office for the -





Activities associated with the administration of the Retirement Villages Act 1987 (October 16)





 Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Animal Welfare Advisory Committee - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




ANZAC Day Commemoration Council - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




Aquaculture Act 2001, Operation of the - Report, July 2007 (July 24)




Architects Board of South Australia -





Report, 2006 (April 24)





Report, 2007 (April 29)




Art Gallery Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Assembly of Members of Two Houses for the Election of a Member to Fill a Vacancy in the Legislative Council -






Hon J A Darley (November 21)






Hon R L Brokenshire (July 24)




Auditor-General’s Department -





Report, 2006-07-






Part A: Audit Overview - (October 16)






Part B:  Agency and Audit Reports Volumes I - V (October 16)






Part C:  State Finances and Related Matters (October 16)






Supplementary (November 21)





Report, of the Operations of the Department 2006-07 (October 16)




AustralAsia Railway Corporation - Report, 2006/07 (12 February)




Australian Crime Commission - Report, 2006/08 (12 February)




Australian Energy Market Commission - Report, 2005-06 (June 20)




Australian Energy Market Commission - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Award of Route Service Licence on Adelaide-Port Augusta Scheduled Airline Route Report, (April 1)




BioInnovation SA -





Charter (October 25)





Report, 2005-06 (May 1)





Report, 2006-07 (February 12)




Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium, Board of the - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Boundary Adjustment Facilitation Panel - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)




Capital City Committee Adelaide - Report, 2006-07 (September 11)




Carrick Hill Trust - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Report, (April 29)




Chicken Meat Industry Act 2003 - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Child, Youth and Women’s Health Service - Report, 2006-07 (April 1)




Children’s Services - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)




Chiropractic and Osteopathy Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




Club One (SA) Ltd - Financial Accounts - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Coast Protection Board - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Code Registrar for the National Third Party Access Code for Natural Gas Pipeline Systems - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Commission of Inquiry into  the Children in State Care; Allegations of Sexual Abuse and Death from Criminal Conduct - Report, (April 1)





Response by the Minister for Families and Communities (June 17)




Commission of Inquiry into Children on Anangu Pitantjatjara Yankunytjatara (APY) Lands -





Report, (May 6)





Response by the Minister (July 24)




Commissioner for Charitable Funds - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)




Commissioner for Public Employment’s State of the Service - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Commissioner of Highways - Leases of Properties Held - Report, 2006-07




Committees -





Aboriginal Lands -






Inquiry Reports -







Impact of Australian Government Changes to Municipal Services Funding Upon Four Aboriginal Communities in South Australia, Inquiry into the (July 25)









Economic and Finance -






Report, 2006-07 (House of Assembly)






Inquiry Reports -







Consumer Credit and Investment Schemes (House of Assembly)







Local Government Audit and Oversight (House of Assembly)







Franchises - 62nd Report, (House of Assembly)






Recommendation 9 - Consumer Credit - Ministerial Response (April 29)





Environment, Resources and Development  -







Coastal Development (House of Assembly)







Coastal Development  - Government Response to Report, (April 10)





Legislative Review -






First Report, 2007-08 (May 2)






Second Report, 2007-08 (May 30)






Third Report, 2007-08 (June 6)






Fourth Report, 2007-08 (June 20)






Fifth Report, 2007-08 (July 25)






Sixth Report, 2007-08 (September 12)






Seventh Report, 2007-08 (September 26)






Eighth Report, 2007-08 (October 17)






Ninth Report, 2007-08 (October 24)






Eleventh Report, 2007-08 (November 21)






Tenth Report, 2007-08 (November 14)






Twelfth Report, 2007-08 (13 February)






Thirteenth Report, 2007-08 (February 26)






Fourteenth Report, 2007-08 (March 5)






Fifteenth Report, 2007-08 (April 2)






Sixteenth Report, 2007-08 (April 9)






Seventeenth Report, 2007-08 (April 9)






Eighteenth Report, 2007-08 (April 30)






Nineteenth Report, 2007-08 (May 7)






Twentieth Report, 2007-08 (June 4)






Twenty First Report, 2007-08 (June 18)






Twenty Second Report, 2007-08 (July 23)





Natural Resources -






Inquiry Reports -







Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resource Management Board Levy Proposal 2008/09 - Twenty Second Report, (July 22)









Deep Creek (June 19)







Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Boards (September 25)







Eyre Peninsula Natural Resource Management Board (March 6)







Eyre Peninsula Natural Resource Management Board Levy Proposal Levy Proposal 2008/09 - Nineteenth Report (July 22)







Management on Kangaroo Island (Seventeenth Report,) (June 19)







Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board Levy Proposal 2008/09 - Twenty First Report (July 22)









South Australian Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board Levy Proposal 2008/09 - Twentieth Report (July 22)











South East Natural Resources Management Board Levy 2008/09 - Eighteenth Report, of the NRC (July 22)









Upper South East Dry Land Salinity and Flood Management Act 2002 - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)








Government Reponses







Deep Creek Report, Government Response (April 1)







Response from the Minister - Natural Resources Management Board (April 8)







Response from the Minister - Inquiry into the Deep Creek and Catchments (June 4)






Report, 2006-07 (September 25)





Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation






Report, 2006-07 (November 13)






Reports - Law and Processes Relating to Workplace Injuries and Death in South Australia (September 25)






Government Response to the Parliamentary Committee Report, 2006-07 (February 26)





Public Works -






Inquiry Reports -







Adelaide Desalination Project - Temporary Pilot Plant 289th Report, (House of Assembly)







Adelaide Festival Centre (Dunstan Playhouse Refurbishment) (House of Assembly)







Cast Metals Precinct Stage 2 (House of Assembly)







Clayton Wells Supply (House of Assembly)







Country Water Quality Improvement Program Stage 3 (House of Assembly)







Craigmore High School Redevelopment (House of Assembly)







Elizabeth Park Neighbourhood Renewal Project 286th Report, (House of Assembly)







Emergency Services Levy 2008/09 (House of Assembly )







Extension of the Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline to Angle Vale (House of Assembly)







Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment (House of Assembly)







Flood Damage Rectification in Various National Parks (House of Assembly)







iFold Apartments 288th Report, (House of Assembly)







Mawson Institute of Advanced Manufacturing (House of Assembly)







Morgan-Whyalla Pipeline Pumping Stations - Replacement of High Voltage Switchboards (House of Assembly)







Northern Expressway (House of Assembly)







Norwood Primary School Redevelopment (House of Assembly)







Plant Accelerator Facility 292th Report, (House of Assembly)







Playford North Regeneration Project - Andrews Farm (Stage 1) (House of Assembly)







Playford North Urban Renewal Project 287th Report, (House of Assembly)







Playford North Urban Renewal Project 290th Report, (House of Assembly)







Royal Adelaide Hospital Ward Upgrade & Increase Capacity (House of Assembly)







Royal Adelaide Hospital Renal Infrastructure & Sustainment (House of Assembly)







Strezlecki Track Upgrade (House of Assembly)







Techport Australia Common User Facility (House of Assembly)







Victoria Park Demountable Pavilion (House of Assembly







Waikerie Lock 2 Salt Interception Scheme 291st Report, (house of Assembly)





Select -






Pricing, Refining, Storage and Supply of Fuel in South Australia







Report, (July 22)







Evidence and Proceedings (July 22)






Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Constitution of Council) Amendment Bill - Report, (October 16)






Selection Process for the Principle at the Elizabeth Vale Primary School -







Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence (July 3)







Report, (July 3)





Social Development -






Inquiry Reports - Gestational Surrogacy (November 13)






Inquiry Report, - South Australian Certificate of Education (April 8)






NHMRC Ethical Guidelines on the use of reproductive technology in Clinical Practice and Research 2004 (Revised) (June 3)






Response to Committee Report, -







Government Response to the Report, into Fast Foods and Obesity (July 25)







Response from the Minister - South Australian Certificate of Education (July 24)







Response Document by the Attorney General and the Health Minister into Gestational Surrogacy (April 1)





Statutory Authorities Review -






Report, 2006/07 (February 12)






Inquiry Reports -







Medical Board of South Australia, Inquiry into the (July 24)






Response to Inquiry Reports -







Government Response to the Report, into the Medical Board of South Australia (November 22)





Statutory Officers -






Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Construction Industry Long Service Leave Board -





Actuarial Investigation of the State and Sufficiency of the Construction Industry Fund - prepared for the Construction Industry Long Service Leave Board as at 30 June 2007 (October 23)





Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Construction Industry Training Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Controlled Substances Advisory Council - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




Corporation By-laws -





Charles Sturt, City of -






No. 1 - Permits and Penalties (September 11)






No. 2 - Movable Signs (September 11)






No. 3 - Local Government Land (September 11)






No. 4 - Streets and Roads (September 11)






No. 6 - Dogs and Cats (September 11)





Mitcham, City of -






No. 2 - Movable Signs (July 22)






No. 1 - Permits and Penalties (July 22)






No. 3 - Local Government Land (July 22)






No. 4 - Roads (July 22)






No. 7 - Waste Management (July 22)





Norwood, Payneham & St Peters, City of -






No. 1 - Permits and Penalties (June 5)






No. 2 - Moveable Signs (June 5)






No. 3 - Roads (June 5)






No. 4 - Local Government Land (June 5)






No. 5 - Dogs (June 5)





Playford - the City of






No. 1 - Permits and Penalties (July 22)






No. 2 - Movable Signs (July 22)






No. 3 - Local Government Signs (July 22)






No. 4 - Dogs (July 22)






No. 5 - Cats (July 22)





Renmark Paringa Council -






No 8 - Cats (September 25)





Walkerville, Town of -






No. 1 - Permits and Penalties (July 22)






No. 2 - Local Government Land (July 22)






No. 3 - Roads (July 22)






No. 4 - Movable Signs (July 22)






No. 5 -  Dogs (July 22)





Whyalla, City of -






No. 1 - Permits and Penalties (November 13)






No. 2 - Local Government Land (November 13)






No. 3 - Roads (November 13)






No. 4 - Moveable Signs (November 13)






No. 5 - Dogs (November 13)






No. 6 - Cats (November 13)






No. 7 - Caravans & Camping (November 13)






No. 10 - Waste Management (November 13)




Correctional Services Advisory Council - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Correctional Services, Department for - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Council for the Care of Children - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Council - Reports





Adelaide - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Adelaide Hills - City of -  Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Alexandrina - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Barossa- District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Berri Barmera - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Barunga West District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Burnside - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Campbelltown - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Ceduna - District Council of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Charles Sturt - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Claire and Gilbert Valley - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Cleve - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Coober Pedy-District Council of - Report,, 2005-06 (July 31)





Coober Pedy - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Coorong District Council - Report,, 2005-06 (July 31)





Coorong - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Copper Coast - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Clare & Gilbert Valleys - Report,, 2005-06 (July 24)





Elliston - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Flinders Ranges - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Franklin Harbour-District Council of - Report,, 2005-06 (July 31)





Gawler - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Goyder - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Grant-District Council of - Report,, 2005-06 (July 24)





Grant - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Holdfast Bay-City of  - Report,, 2005-06 (July 24)





Holdfast Bay - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Kangaroo Island - District Council - Report, 200607 (February 12)





Kimba- District Council - Report, 200607 (February 12)





Kingston-District Council of - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)





Lower Eyre Peninsula - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Loxton Waikerie - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Light Regional - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Le Hunte - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Mallala - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Marion  - city of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Mid Murray - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Mitcham - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Mount Barker-District Council of - Report,, 2005-06 (September 13)





Mount Barker - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Mount Gambier-City of - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Mount Remarkable-District Council of  - Report,, 2005-06 (July 24)





Mount Remarkable - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Murray Bridge - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Naracoorte Lucindale - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Northern Areas - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Norwood, Payneham & St Peters - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Orroroo/Carrieton - District Council of - Report, 2006-07 (March 4)





Onkaparinga - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Peterborough - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Port Augusta - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Port Pirie Regional - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Playford - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Port Adelaide Enfield- City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Port Lincoln-City of - Report,, 2005-06 (July 24)





Port Lincoln-City of - Report,, 2006-07 (November 14)





Prospect - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Renmark Paringa - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Robe - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Salisbury - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Southern Mallee - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Streaky Bay - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Tatiara-District Council of - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Tea Tree Gully - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Tumby Bay-District Council of - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Unley - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Victor Harbour - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





West Torrens  - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Whyalla - City of - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Wattle Range - Report, 2006-07(November 15)





Wattle Range - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Wakefield Regional - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





Yankalilla - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)





York Peninsula - District Council - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)




Country Arts SA - Report, 2006/07 (February 12)




Country Health Board - Report, 2007-08 (February 12)




Country Health SA - Report, 2006-07 (April 1)




Courts Administration Authority - Report, 2006/07 ( February 12)




Dairy Authority of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Death in Custody of - Coronial Report on the -





Brooks, Neil James -






Department for Correctional Services - May 2007 (May 29)






Department of Health - May 2007 (May 29)





Chalken, Stuart Murray -






Department for Correctional Services - July 2007 (September 11)





Cockburn, Michael -






Department of Health - October 2007 (November 13)





Dooma, Renato -






Department of Health - August 2007 (September 11)





Johnson, Robert Allen -






Department of Correctional Services (April 29)





Harkin, Leonard Norman -






Department for Correctional Services - May 2007 (June 21)





McLeod, Peter Malcholm -






Department of Health - May 2007 (May 29)





Philip, Martin John (July 24)





Sansbury, Colin Craig (March 5)





Smith, Arthur Charles - (April 29)





Trenorden, John -






Department for Correctional Services - November 2007  (November 22)





Turner, Barry Michael and Glennie, Troy Michael -






Department for Correctional Services - April 2007 (June 5)




Dental Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Development Act 1993 -





Adelaide Hills Council, Alexandrina Council, The Barossa Council, Mount Barker (DC), Onkaparinga (City), Victor Habor (DC) and Yankalilla (DC) Development Plans - Commercial Forestry (March 6)





Administration of the - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Ceduna, District Council of - General and Coastal Policy (February12)





Interim Operation of the Land Not Within a Council Area - Eyre, Far North, Riverland and Whyalla Development Plans; Land Not Within a Council Area - Consolidated and Better Development Plan (BDP) Conversion Plan (September 11)





Kangaroo Island Council - Heritage Plan Amendment Report, (November 13)





Mount Gambier and Grant Development Plans - Greater Mount Gambier Deferred Urban (March 6)





Residential Parks and Caravan and Tourist Parks - Development Plan Amendment by the Minister (February 12)





Tea Tree Gully, City of - Local Heritage (Phase 2) - Plan Amendment Report,

 (June 5)





West Torrens - City of - Local Heritage Plan Amendment Report, (October 16)





Whyalla - City of - Development Plan Amendment by the Council (March 6)




Director of Public Prosecutions - Report, 2006-07 (October 18)




Disability Information and Resource Centre - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Disciplinary Appeals Tribunal - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Distribution Lessor Corporation - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




District Council By-laws -





Grant Council - General (February 12)





Kingston - No 6 - Cape Jaffa Anchorage (February 12)





Renmark Paringa Council - No 8 - Cats (25 September)





Tumby Bay - No 5 - Dogs (February 12)




Documents and Ministerial Statements Tabled -





By the Minister for Police (Hon. P. Holloway) -






Ministerial Statement by the Attorney-General, Hon. M. J. Atkinson, concerning Allegations Involving a Member of Staff Within the Office of the Public Trustee (April 24)






Ministerial Statement by the Attorney-General, Hon. M. J. Atkinson, concerning Allegations Involving Financial Transactions at the Public Trustee (May 1)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Industrial Relations, Hon. M. J. Wright, concerning Daylight Savings Consultation (May 2)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning the Appointment of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor (May 3)






Ministerial Statement by the Acting Minister for Transport, Hon. J. W. Weatherill, concerning Tram Air Conditioning Allegations (May 3)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning the 40th  Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum to Recognise Aboriginal Rights (May 29)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning South Australia’s Greenhouse Strategy (May 31)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Adelaide’s Water Storage (June 5)






Ministerial Statement by the Deputy Premier, Hon. K. O. Foley, concerning Health Reform (June 19)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning the Federal Government’s Decision to Award the Air Warfare Destroyer Design Contract to the Spanish Company, Navantia (June 20)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Murray Darling Contingency Planning (June 21)






Copy of a letter from Mr Peter Stuart, Board Chair Julia Farr Services and Julia Farr Association, dated 21 June 2007, concerning the Julia Farr Services (Trusts) Bill (June 21)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning the Murray Darling Basin Plan (July 25)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Uranium Exports to India (July 26)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning the SANTOS Shareholder Cap (September 11)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Future Directions in Water Security (September 11)






Ministerial Statement by the Attorney-General, Hon. M. J. Atkinson,  concerning the Criminal Law (Undercover Operations) Act 1995  (September 11)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning the appointment of the Auditor-General and the former auditor-general (September 12)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning a Royal Visit to Adelaide by His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent (September 13)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Drought and the Plight of South Australian Farmers (September 25)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning BHP Billiton and Olympic Dam (26 September)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Industrial Relations, Hon. M. J. Wright, concerning WorkCover Actuarial Results for 2007 (September 27)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning  the Removal of the SANTOS Shareholding Cap (October 16)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning the Premier’s Special Adviser on Drought (October 17)






Ministerial Statement by the Deputy Premier, Hon. K. O. Foley, concerning the Auditor-General’s Report, and State Finances (October 17)






Ministerial Statement by the Attorney-General, Hon. M. J. Atkinson, concerning the Activation of the Paedophile Register (October 18)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning the Resignation of Nick Xenophon and Legislative Council Casual Vacancy (October 23)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning the Resignation of Nick Xenophon and Constitutional Requirements for filling the Legislative Council Casual Vacancy and related Electoral Advertising Materials (October 24)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning  the Removal of the SANTOS Shareholding Cap (October 24)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Northern Expressway Land Acquisition (24 October)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Industrial Relations, Hon. M. J. Wright, concerning the Work Choices Report, (October 25)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Transport, Hon. P. F. Conlon, concerning the Governance of TransAdelaide (November 13)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Drought and the Circumstances of Irrigators (14 November)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Criminal Bikie Gangs (20 November)






Ministerial Statement by the Deputy Premier, Hon. K. O. Foley, concerning the 2006-07 Final Budget Outcome (November 20)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning  Mitsubishi (12 February)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning 25th Anniversary of the 1983 Ash Wednesday Bushfires (February 14)






PIRSA compliance investigation on Findings if Mt Gee site Investigation (12 February)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Water Security (February 26)






A letter from to the Attorney General, the Hon M J Atkinson, dated 25 February 2008, from Jan Martin, Executive Director of the Law Society of South Australia (26 February)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning WorkCover Legislation (February 27)






Ministerial Statement by the Hon. Patrick Conlon, concerning TransAdelaide Derailments (February 27)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Lending Institutions and Mitsubishi Workers (March 4)






Ministerial Statement by the Hon. John Hill, concerning Decline in Prostate Cancer Deaths (March 6)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Mulligan Inquiry into Children in State Care- Allegations of Sexual Abuse and Death  (April 1)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Murray Darling Basin National Plan (April 2)






Ministerial Statement by the Attorney-General, Hon. M. J. Atkinson, concerning Tougher Penalties for Hydroponics Cannabis, Amphetamines (April 2)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Compensation Available to Abuse Victims (April 2)






Ministerial Statement by the Deputy Premier, Hon. K. O. Foley, concerning Adelaide Desalination Plant (April 3)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Rape and Sexual Assault (April 9)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Dangerous Offenders (April 10)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning RBA Decision on Interest Rates Next Tuesday (April 29)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Reform of Appointment and Designation of Queen’s Council (April 30)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Veteran’s Affair Minister (May 1)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Industrial Relations, Hon. M. J. Wright concerning Explosion at Quin Investments PTY LTD in 2006 (Gladstone Explosion) (May 1)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann concerning Commissioner Mullighan’s Report, into the APY Lands (May 6)






Document tabled by the Minister for Mineral Resource development concerning the Exploration Licence Field Investigation Report, EL 3258 Akaroola Wilderness Sanctuary (May 8)






A Letter from the Minister for Police to All Members of the Legislative Council, Dated 11 April 2008 (May 8)






A Letter from the Minister for Police to All Members of the Legislative Council, Dated 1 May 2008 (May 8)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann concerning the Children in State Care (June 3)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. Atkinson concerning the Exhumation of the remains of Charles Cameron Kingston (June 3)






Ministerial Statement by the Attorney-General, Hon. M. J. Atkinson, concerning 2008/09 Budget increases across S.A. Justice System (June 4)






Ministerial Statement by the Attorney-General, Hon. M. J. Atkinson, concerning the 150th Anniversary of Torrens Title (June 4)






Document tabled by the Minister for Police concerning Work Cover Data: Redemption Numbers by Financial Year to 30 June 2007 (June 5)






Ministerial Statement by the Deputy Premier, Hon K. O. Foley concerning the Upper Spencer Gulf Desalination Plant (June 17)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning WorkCover Reforms (June 19)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Solar Feed-in Laws (June 19)






Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon. M. D. Rann, concerning Strategic Plan Audit of Progress (July 22)






Ministerial Statement by the Deputy Premier, Hon. K. O. Foley, concerning Water Bills Reimbursement (July 22)





By the Minister for Emergency Services (Hon C Zollo) -






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Hon R McEwen, concerning Cage Egg Production (May 31)






Ministerial Statement by the Treasurer, Hon. K O Foley, concerning Payroll Tax - Exemptions for Charities (July 24)






Ministerial Statement by the Deputy Premier, Hon K. O. Foley, concerning Defence SA (July 24)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Families and Communities, Hon. J. Weatherill, concerning the appointment of new Deputy Chief Executive of the Department of Families and Communities (11 September)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Education and Children’s Services, Hon. J. Lomax-Smith, concerning Legislative Reform (12 September)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Education and Children’s Services, Hon. J. Lomax-Smith, concerning Closure of closure of Broadmeadows, Rosedale, Brownswell District, Spence and Heysen and Aldinga Primary Schools (13 February)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Families and Communities, Hon. J. Weatherill, concerning the response by the Minister for Family and Communities to the Children in State Care Commission of Inquiry Report, Allegations of Sexual Abuse and Death from Criminal Conduct (17 June)






Document table by Minister for Emergency Services concerning the Government Response to the Deputy Coroner’s Recommendations from the Wangary Coronial Inquest (June 17)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries concerning South Australian Wine Industry (June 19)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Families and Communities, Hon. J. Weatherill, concerning certain families  and the Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee (July 3)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Education and Children’s Services, Hon. J. Lomax-Smith, concerning Early Childhood development (July 23)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Families and Communities, Hon. J. Weatherill, concerning the Response by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation to the Children on APY Lands Commission of Inquiry (July 24)





By the Minister for Environment and Conservation (Hon. G. E. Gago) -






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill, concerning the Advice and Recommendations from Mr. Stephen Walsh, Q.C. concerning a Review of the Public and Environmental Health Act, together with a copy of the Advice (June 5)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill, concerning the Report, by Mr. Walsh, Q.C. (June 7)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Water Security, Hon. K. A. Maywald, concerning Water Resources Outlook for 2007-08 (July 24)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Water Security, Hon. K. A. Maywald, concerning Recycled Water (26 September)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Water Security, Hon. K. A. Maywald, concerning a Water Incentive Package (October 23)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Water Security, Hon. K. A. Maywald, concerning River Murray Water Allocations (November 14)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Water Security, Hon. K. A. Maywald, concerning water security (13 February)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill, concerning Alleged Fraud at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (November 21)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Water Security, Hon. K. A. Maywald, concerning the Save the River Murray Fund (November 22)






Documents concerning Country Health SA Board (February 14)






Memorandum of Understanding between  DEH, DWLBC, PIRSA and RSPCA (SA)inc. (February 28)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill, concerning the SA Metropolitan Hospital Efficiency and Performance Review (April 1)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister Assisting the Premier in the Arts, Hon John Hill, concerning the Death of  John Dowie (April 2)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Water Security, Hon. K. A. Maywald, concerning Watering Times (April 3)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Water Security, Hon. K. A. Maywald, concerning Revised SA Water Charter (April 8)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill, concerning New CE of SA Ambulance Service (April 8)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill, concerning Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital Master Plan (April 9)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill, concerning Reduction of Blood Lead Levels in Children in Port Pirie (April 10)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill, concerning Ring Cycle (April 10)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill, concerning Review of Health and Medical Research in South Australia (May 6)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill concerning Integration of Acute Renal Services (May 8)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill concerning SA Ambulance Service Reforms (May 8)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill concerning Women’s and Children’s Hospital Study (June 3)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill concerning Response to the Member for MacKillop (June 17)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Health, Hon. J. D. Hill concerning GP Plus Emergency Hospital Taskforce (July 3)






Ministerial Statement by the Minister for Water Security, Hon. K. A. Maywald, concerning Adelaide Desalination Project (July 03)





By the Hon J M A Lensink -






A letter from John Osborne, Executive Chairman of the Australian Professional Rodeo Association Inc. (September 12)






Documents concerning Rodeo Livestock Injuries and Entries (September 12)





By the Hon. S. G. Wade -






Briefing Notes titled “Institutional and community-based responses to people with a disability and their families”, by Julia Farr Association dated June 2007 (June 20)






Copy of a letter to the Minister for Disability, Hon. J. W. Weatherill, dated 19 June 2007, from Mr. Peter Stuart, Chair, Julia Farr Association, concerning the Julia Farr Services (Trusts) Bill (June 20)





By the Hon R. D Lawson






A letter from to the Hon R D Lawson, dated 25 February 2008, from Jan Martin, Executive Director of the Law Society of South Australia





By the Hon A. M. Bressington






Document by the Members of the Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service (NSW) Industry Advisory Group - Core Competencies (May 8)




Dog and Cat Management Board - Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Dog Fence Board - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)




Education Adelaide -





Charter 2007-08 (September 11)





Performance Statement 2007-08 (September 11)





Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Education and Children’s Services, Department of -





Report, 2006 (June 6)





Report, 2007 (May 8)




Electoral Report, - South Australian Election held on 18 March 2006 (September 11)




Electoral Statistics - South Australian Election held on 18 March 2006 (September 11)




Electricity Industry Superannuation Scheme - Report, 2006/07 (February 12)




Electricity Supply Industry Planning Council - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




Emergency Services Funding Act 1998 -





Declaration of Levy and Area and Land Use Factors Notice 2007 (July 24)





Declaration of Levy for Vehicles and Vessels Notice 2007 (July 24)




Employee Ombudsman - The Office of - Report, 2006-07 (12 January)




Energy Consumers’ Council - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Environment and Heritage, Department for - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Environment Protection Authority- Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 (February 12)




Essential Services Commission of South Australia -





2007 Ports Pricing and Access Review (October 23)





Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Ethical Guidelines on the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology in Clinical Practice and Research June 2007 (November 22)




Evidence Act 1929-Report, Relating to Suppression Orders 2006-07 (October 16)




Families and Communities, Department for - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Finance -





Budget Papers 2007-08 -






Paper No. 1 - Budget Overview (June 7)






Paper No. 2 - Budget Speech (June 7)






Paper No. 3 - Budget Statement (June 7)






Paper No. 4 - Portfolio Statements Volumes 1, 2 & 3 (June 7)






Paper No. 5 - Capital Investment Statement (June 7)






Paper No. 6 - Regional Statement (June 7)





Budget Papers 2008-09






Paper No. 1 - Budget Overview (June 5)






Paper No. 2 - Budget Speech (June 5)






Paper No. 3 - Budget Statement (June 5)






Paper No. 4 - Portfolio Statements - Volumes 1,2 & 3 (June 5)






Paper No. 5 - Capital Investment Statement (June 5)






Paper No. 6 - Regional Statement (June 5)





Final Budget Outcome - 2006-07 (November 20)




Fire and Emergency Services Act - the Review of (May 8)




Flinders University - Report, 2006 (September 13)




Food Act 2001 - Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Freedom of Information Act 1991 - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Funds SA - Report, 2007 (November 13)




Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology, Department of -





Addendum - Section E (July 26)





Report, 2005-06 (May 3)





Report, 2006-07 (April 10)




Gaming Machines Act 1992 - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Gene Technology Activities in 2006 - Report, (November 22)




Genetically Modified Crops Management Act - Report of the Genetically Modified Crop Advisory Committee (Feb 12)




General Reserves Trust - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Generation Lessor Corporation - Report, 2007 (November 13)




Government Boards and Committees Information - 30 June 2007 (September 11)




Governor’s Speech (April 24)




Guardian for Children and Young People - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Guardianship Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 14)




Harms Associated with the Practice of Hypnosis and the Possibility of Developing a Code of Conduct for Registered and Unregistered Health Practitioners - Department of Health (April 10)




Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner - Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Health, Department of - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Health Services -





Balaklava and Riverton Health Service Incorporated - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)





Barossa Health - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Bordertown Memorial Hospital - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Ceduna District Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Ceduna Koonibba Aboriginal Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Coober Pedy Hospital & Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Eastern Eyre Health and Aged Care Incorporated - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)





Eudunda and Kapunda Health Service Incorporated - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)





Gawler Health Service - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Hawker Memorial Hospital Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Kangaroo Island Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Kingston Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Leigh Creek Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Lower Eyre Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Lower North Health - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Loxton Hospital Complex Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Mallee Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Mannum District Hospital Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Meningie & Districts Memorial Hospital & Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Mid North Health - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)





Mid-West Health Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Millicent & District Hospital & Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Mount Gambier & Districts Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Mt. Barker & District Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Murray Bridge Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Naracoorte Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Northern Adelaide Hills Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Northern Yorke Peninsula Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Penola War Memorial Hospital Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Pika Wiya Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Port Broughton District Hospital & Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Port Lincoln Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Quorn Health Services Incorporated - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)





Renmark Paringa District Hospital Inc - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Riverland Regional Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





South Coast District Hospital Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Southern Adelaide Health Services - Report, 2006-07 (June 17)





Southern Adelaide Health Service - Report, 2005-06 (April 24)





Southern Adelaide  Services - Financial, Workforce and Environmental Report, 2006-07 (17 June)





Southern Flinders Health Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Strathalbyn & District Health Service - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Tailem Bend District Hospital - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Waikerie Health Services Incorporated - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)





Whyalla Hospital & Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Whyalla Hospital & Health Services Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)





Yorke Peninsula Health Service Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




History Trust of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




HomeStart Finance - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Independent Gambling Authority -





Amendments Inquiry 2004 (September 27)





Regulatory Review 2006 (May 29)





Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Industrial Relations Advisory Committee - Report, 2006-07 (September 11)




Industrial Relations Court of South Australia and Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (October 18)




Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Report, 2007 (April 29)




Institution of Surveyors Australia - South Australian Division Inc. - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Intellectual Disability Services Council - Report, 2005-06 (September 11)




Jam Factory Contemporary Craft and Design Inc - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Joint Parliamentary Service - Report, 2006-07 (September 27)




Joint Sitting of the Two Houses for the Election of a Senator to hold the Place Rendered Vacant by the -





Death of Senator Jeannie Ferris (May 3)





Resignation of Senator Amanda Vanstone (June 6)




Julia Farr Services - Report, 2005-06 (November 20)




Judges of the Supreme Court of  South Australia (April 1)




Justice, Department of -





Report, 2006-07  Erratum (February 12)





Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Land Board - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Land Management Corporation -





Charter (July 22)





Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Langhorne Creek Wine Industry Fund - Report, 2007-08 (April 9)




Law Society of South Australia, The - Claims against the Legal Practitioners Guarantee Fund - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Legal Practitioners Conduct Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Legal Services Commission of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Legislative Council of the Parliament of South Australia - Report, 2005-07 (June 5)




Libraries Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




Listening and Surveillance Devices Act 1972 - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




Local Government Activities by the State Electoral Office - Report, 2005-06 (May 2)




Local Government Association - Workers compensation Scheme 2006 (June 6)




Local Government Grants Commission South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (July 22)




Local Government Election Report,, November 2006 (September 25)




Local Government Finance Authority of South Australia - Report, 2006-07       (October 16)




Local Government Grants Commission of South Australia - Report, 2005-06 (May 29)





Report, 2005-06 (May 29)





Report, 2006-07 (March 4)




Local Government Superannuation Board - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)




McLaren Vale Wine Industry Fund - Report, 2007-08 (April 9)




Maralinga Lands Unnamed Conservation Park Board  - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)




Medical Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Members’ Interests -





Register of - June 2007 - Registrar’s Statement (September 11)





Register of New Members Interests (February 12)





Register of Members Interest (House of Assembly)





Register of Members Interest - Erratum (House of Assembly)




Members of the Legislative Council Travel Expenditure, 2006-07 (September 11)




Memorandum of Lease between the Minister for Transport and Genesee and Wyoming  Australia Pty. Ltd. (September 11)




Metropolitan Domiciliary Care - Report, 2006/07 (April 10)




Mining and Quarrying Occupational Health and Safety Committee - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Mount Barker, District Council of - Significant Trees, Development Plan (July 22)




Mount Gambier - city of - Residential Zone (Complying policy) (February 12)




Motor Accident Commission -





Charter (February 12)





Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Murray-Darling Basin Agreement 1992 -





Schedule G (February 12)





Schedule G - Effect of the Snowy Scheme (May 7)





Schedule F - Cap on Diversions (July 22)




Murray-Darling Basin Commission - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




National Environment Protection Council Acts (Commonwealth, State and Territory) - Report, 2006-07 (July 25)




National Environment Protection Council , The - Report, 2006-07 (February 27)




National Health and Medical Research Council -





Ethical Guidelines on the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technology in Clinical Practice and Research - June 2007 (July 24)





National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (July 24)




Native Vegetation Council - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Natural Resources Management Act 2004 - Report, on the Review of the (August 1)




Natural Resources Management Council - Report, 2005-06 (July 26)





Report, 2005-06 (July 26)





Report, 2006-07 - Volume A (June3)





Report, 2006-07 - Volume B (June3)




Non-Government Schools Registration Board - 2006-07 (February 12)




Nurses Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Occupational Therapy Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




Office of Consumer and Business Affairs - Report, 2006-07 (February 14)




Optometrists Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (February 12)




Outback Areas Community Development Trust - Report, 2006-07 (April 30)





Report, 2005-06 (House of Assembly)





Report, 2006-07 (April 30)




Pastoral Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Petitions -





No. 1 - From 677 residents of South Australia concerning the Construction of Weirs at Lake Bonney and Wellington (May 3)





No. 2 - From 201 residents of South Australia concerning the Construction of Weirs at Lake Bonney and Wellington (May 31)





No. 3 - From 99 residents of South Australia concerning South Australia’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions (May 31)





No. 4 - From 191 residents of South Australia concerning the Construction of Weirs at Lake Bonney and Wellington (June 21)





No. 5 - From 116 residents of South Australia concerning Voluntary Euthanasia (June 21)





No. 6 - From 578 residents of South Australia concerning Voluntary Euthanasia (July 26)





No. 7 - From 135 residents of South Australia concerning Voluntary Euthanasia  (September 11)





No. 8 - From 7,504 residents of South Australia concerning Voluntary Euthanasia  (October 18)





No. 9 - From 453 residents of South Australia concerning Voluntary Euthanasia  (October 18)





No. 10 - From 124 residents of South Australia concerning the Wellington Weir  (October 25)





No. 11 - From 135 residents of South Australia concerning the River Murray  (October 25)





No. 12 - From 75 residents of South Australia concerning water Allocations and River Murray Environmental Flows (November 15)





No. 13 - From 150 residents of South Australia concerning the Culling of Kangaroos in the Mount Lofty Ranges (November 22)





No 14. - From 1128 residents of South Australia concerning Euthanasia in South Australia (November 22)





No 15. - From 206 residents of South Australia concerning the Protection of Marine Habitats in South Australia (February 14)





No. 16 - From 180 residence of South Australia concerning Extraction of Water from the River Murray (February 14)





No. 17 - From 1664 residents of South Australia concerning research involving human embryos and human cloning (February 28)





No.  18 - From 300 residents of South Australia concerning Extraction of Water from the River Murray (February 28)





No.  19 - From 280 residents of South Australia concerning Extraction of Water from the River Murray (March 6)





No. 20 - From 567 residents of South Australia concerning Extraction of Water from the River Murray (April 3)





No. 21 - From 354 residents of South Australia concerning Ethical Superannuation Choices (April 3)





No. 22 - From 74 residents of South Australia concerning Extraction of Water from the River Murray (April 10)





No. 23 - From 16 residents of South Australia concerning Adelaide’s Urban Trees (April 10)





No. 24 - From 253 residence of South Australia concerning Euthanasia in South Australia (May 1)





No. 25 - From 19 residents of South Australia concerning Abortion in South Australia (June 5)





No. 26 - From 43 residents of South Australia concerning Extraction of Water from the River Murray (June 5)




Pharmacy Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Phylloxera and Grape Industry Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Physiotherapy Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




Planning Strategy for South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Playford Centre-





Charter (September 27)





Performance Statement for the Financial Year Ending 30 June 2008 (September 27)





Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Podiatry Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




Police Act - Directions to the Commissioner of Police (June 3)




Police Complaints Authority - Report, 2006 (June 5)




Police Complaints Authority - Report, 2007 (April 9)




Police Complaints Authority - Report, Pursuant to Section 57 of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Act 2007 (October 16)




Police Superannuation Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Port Adelaide Maritime Corporation -





Charter 2007 (July 24)





Report, 2005-06 (May 29)




Premier and Cabinet, Department of the - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Primary Industries and Resources South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Privacy Committee of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Problem Gambling Family Protection Orders Act 2004 - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Proposal to remove on significant tree ant Parkside Primary School (July 22)




Proposal to Locate a New Dual Transportable Classroom and Removal of One Significant Tree at Marryatville Primary Schools (February 12)




Public Advocate, Office of the - Report, 2006-07 (November 14)




Public and Environmental Health Council - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Public & Environmental Health for South Australia, The State of - 2005-06 erratum  - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Public Sector Management Act 1995 - Appointments to Ministers’ Personal Staff (July 24)




Public Trustee - Report, 2006-07 (November 14)




Radiation Protection and Control Act 1982 - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Regulations under Acts -





Aboriginal Lands Trust - Umoona Community (May 1)





Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (September 11)





Adoption -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Prospective Adopted Parents Register (February 26)





Aquaculture - Fees (June 19)





Ambulance Services -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Associations Incorporation -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Prescribed Association (September 25)





Authorised Betting Operations -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment -






Grant Allocations (July 22)





Barley Exporting - Advisory Committee (June 19)





Bills of Sale - Fees (June 19)





Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Branding of Pigs -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Brands -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Building Work Contractors -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Revocation of Advisory Panel (June 3)





Business Names -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Chicken Meat Industry -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Child Sex Offenders Registration - General (October 23)





Civil Liability - Revocation (May 1)





Community Titles -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Construction Industry Long Service Leave -






Employer Levy (March )





Construction Industry Training Fund






Construction Industry Training Fund (June 17)





Controlled Substances -






Administration of Drugs of Dependence (June 3)






Controlled Drugs (February 12)






Domestic Partner (June 5)






Fees (June 19)






Optometrists (October 23)






Pesticides Fees (June 19)






Pesticides Fees (June 17)






Poisons (February 12)






Poisons (June 17)






Sale of Petroleum Products (April 8)





Conveyances -






Establishment and Determination (July 22)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Co-operatives -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Coroners -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Correctional Services-






Controlled Drugs (February 12)






Prohibited Drugs (February 12)





Cremation -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Criminal Assets Confiscation - Foreign Offences (February 12)





Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles - General (February 12)





Criminal Law Consolidation






General (February 12)






Medical Termination of Pregnancy (July 22)





Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) - Forensic Procedures (May 29)





Criminal Law (Sentencing) -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Crown Lands -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Fees Erratum (July 24)





Dangerous Substances -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Daylight Saving - Duration (July 24)





Dental Practice -






Elections (May 29)






General (May 29)





Development -






Activities of Environmental Significance (November 13)






Brush Fences (February 12)






Bushfire Protection Areas (February 12)






Commercial Forestry (September 11)






Division of Land (September 11)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Heated Water Services (July 22)






Open Space Contribution Scheme (July 22)






Open Space Contribution Scheme (July 26)






Preliminary Advice (February 12)






Schedule 10 (July 22)






Significant Trees (May 6)






Statement of Intent (October 16)






Swimming Pool Safety (April 29)





District Court -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Dust Diseases Act 2005 - Industrial or Commercial Processes (April 1)





Electricity -






Alternative Vegetation Clearance (November 13)






Installations (April 24)






Licence Fees and Returns (September 11)






Vegetation Clearance (April 24)





Employment Agents Registration -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Emergency Services Funding -






Relevant Financial Year (July 24)






Variation (July 22)





Environment Protection -






Activities of Environmental Significance (November 13)






Beverage Container Fees (June 17)






Environmental Authorisations (July 22)






Environment Protection Fund (April 24)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Fees and Levy (June 3)






Licence Fees (February 12)






Miscellaneous Fees (June 19)






Prescribed Bodies (September 25)





Environment, Resources and Development Court -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Explosives -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Fireworks Fees (June 17)






Fireworks Fees (June 19)






Miscellaneous Fees (June 19)






Security Sensitive Substances Fees (June 17)





Evidence - Prescribed Courts (April 24)





Fair Trading -






Consumer Credit Code (May 29)






Health and Fitness Industry (July 24)






Residential Parks (October 23)





Fair Work -






Clothing Outworkers (October 23)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Fees Regulation -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Public Trustee Administration Fees (June 17)






Proof of Age Card (April 29)






Sewerage Fees (June 19)





Fire and Emergency Services -






 Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Prescribed Offences (April 29)





Firearms -






Exemption for Exhibitors (September 11)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)











Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Licence Fees (July 24)





Fisheries Management- 






Abalone Fishery  (February 12)






Abalone Fishery - Licences and Quotas (July 22)






Aquatic Reserves - New Regulations and Revocation (July 22)






Aquatic Reserves (February 12)






Blue Crab Fishery (February 12)






Charter Boat Fishery (February 12)






Cockle Rakes (February 12)






Commercial and Recreational Fees (February 12)






Exotic Fish (February 12)






Fishing Activities (July 22)






Fish Processors (February 12)






General (February 12)






Lakes and Coorong Fishery (February 12)






Lakes and Coorong Pipi Fishery (July 22)






Lakes and Coorong  Pipi Fishery (February 12)






Marine Scalefish Fisheries - Pipi Quotas (July 22)






Marine Scalefish Fisheries (February 12)






Miscellaneous Fishery (July 22)






Miscellaneous Fishery (February 12)






Pipi Units (February 12)






Prawn Fisheries (February 12)






Prawn Fisheries - Gulf St Vincent (July 22)






River Fishery (February 12)






Rock Lobster Fisheries - Northern Zone (July 22)






Rock Lobster Fisheries (February 12)






Vessel Monitoring (February 12)





Food - Enforcement Agencies (October 16)





Forest Property - Fees (July 26)





Freedom of Information -






Exempt Agency (March 4)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Gaming Machines -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Gas - Licence Fees and Returns (September 11)





Genetically Modified Crops Management - Prohibitions (April 29)





Goods Securities - Fees (June 19)





Harbours and Navigation -






Australian Builders Plate (November 13)






Australian Builders Plate Standard (February 12)






Fees (June 19)






General and Fees (June 17)






Mooring Prohibition (November 20)






Port Adelaide (February 12)






Renmark Speed Restrictions (June 5)






Restrictions and General (July 22)






Variation (June 17)





Health Care -






General (July 22)






Health Performance Council (April 29)





Health and Community Services Complaints - Community Services (July 24)





Heritage Places -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Historic Shipwrecks -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Housing Improvement-






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Standards (July 24)





Housing and Urban Development (Administrative Arrangements) -






HomeStart Finance (September 11)






South Australian Aboriginal Housing Authority (July 24)





Juries - Remuneration (July 24)





Justices of the Peace - Special Justice (September 11)





Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) -






Real Estate Industry Reform (July 22)





Land Agents -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Indemnity Fund (February 12)






Real Estate Industry Reform (July 22)





Land Tax -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Legal Practitioners - Fees (May 1)






Ethics and Professional Responsibility (June 3)






Fees (May 1)






Fees (June 3)





Liquor Licensing -






General -







Clare High School (September 11)







Fees (June 19)







Fees (June 17)







Gifts (July 26)







Mannum (June 3)






Long Term Dry Areas -







Ardrossan (June 5)







Bordertown (April 24)







Bordertown Area (April 8)







Bonython Park (February 12)







Ceduna and Thevenard (April 8)







Ceduna and Thevenard (July 22)







Chiton Rocks (February 12)







Coober Pedy (July 24)







Elder Park (February 12)







Gawler (May 1)







Goolwa (June 19)







Goolwa (June 17)







Hallett Cove (June 17)







Henley Beach (April 24)







Hahndorf (May 29)







Kadina (October 16)







Loxton (September 11)







Maitland (May 1)







Millicent (April 24)







Millicent (June 17)







Mount Gambier (November 13)







Morgan (February 12)







Murray Bridge (April 24)







Murray Bridge Long Term (February 12)







Normanville (April 1)







Peterborough (February 12)







Port Augusta (February 12)







Port Lincoln ( February 12)







Port Pirie (July 24)







Port Vincent (July 22)







Renmark (November 13)







Salisbury (October 23)







Wallaroo (February 12)






Short Term Dry Areas -







Beachport (November 20)







Glenelg (November 20)







Port Vincent (February 12)







Robe (February 12)







Spalding Rodeo (September 25)







Victor Harbor (November 13)





Livestock -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Local Government -






Fees (June 19)






Fees - Schedule 3 (June 17)






Fees - Schedule 10(June 17)





Lottery and Gaming -






Fees (June 19)






General (April 29)





Magistrates Court -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Maritime Services (Access) - Continuation (October 23)





Mining -






Fees (June 19)






General and Fees (June 17)





Mines and Works Inspection -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Motor Vehicles -






Accident Towing Roster (May 1)






Accident Towing Roster (June 17)






Conditional Registration (July 22)






Disqualification - fees (July 22)






Drink Driving and Drug Driving Demerit Points (June 3)






Expiation Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 19)






Fees - Offences (June 17)






Fees - Registration (June 17)






National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees (June 17)






Number Plates Exemption (February 12)






Passenger Seatbelt Demerits






Road Transport Compliance (May 1)





Mutual Recognition - Temporary Exemptions - Drug Paraphernalia (June 17)





National Electricity-






Civil Monetary Liabilities (16 October)






Civil Penalties (February 12)





National Parks and Wildlife -






Fees (June 19)






Hunting Fees (June 19)






Hunting Fees (June 17)






Rare, Vulnerable and Endangered Species (February 26)






Wildlife - Fees (June 17)






Witjira National Park (September 11)





Native Vegetation -






Clearance Exemptions (April 24)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Natural Resources Management -






Baroonta Prescribed Water Resource Area (July 22)






Central Adelaide Prescribed Wells Area (July 24)






Correction of Errors (July 24)






Council Levies (June 19)






Differentiating Factors (June 19)






Exemption from Levy (February 12)






Fees (June 19)






General Fees (June 17)






Levy Exemption (April 24)






Meter Fees (June 19)






Prescribed Transfer (May 1)






Prescribed Wells (June 19)





Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare






- Fees (June 19)






- Fees (June 17)





Opal Mining -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Optometry Practice - (October 16)






General (July 24)






Registration (October 16)





Partnership - Fees (June 19)





Passenger Transport -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (July 17)






Maximum Taxi Fares (July 24)






Taxi Fares (June 17)





Partnership - Fees (June 17)





Pastoral Land Management and Conservation -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Petroleum -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Fees (June 17)





Petroleum Products Regulation -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






General (April 1)





Pharmacy Practice - General (November 13)





Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Electricians -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Revocation of Advisory Panels (June 3)





Police - Illness and Injury of Prisoner (July 22)





Prevention of Cruelty to Animals -






Domestic Fowls (February 12)






Electrical Devices (September 11)






Fees (June 19)






Rodeos (September 11)





Primary Industry Funding Schemes -






Adelaide Hills Wine Industry Fund (March 4)






Barossa (February 12)






Clair Valley Wine Industry Fund (February 26)






Fund Contribution (February 12)






Grape Growers (February 12)






Langhorne Creek Wine Industry Fund (March 4)






Marine Scalefish Industry Fund (November 13)






Riverland Wine Industry Fund (March 4)






Rock Lobster Fishing Industry Fund (July 22)





Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) -






Bivalve Molluscs (July 24)






Citrus Industry (April 1)






Citrus Industry - Fees (June 17)






Codes (July 22)






Fees (June 19)






Food Standard (June 22)






Meat Industry - Fees (June 17)






Seafood Fees (July 22)





Private Parking Areas -






Disabled Parking (February 12)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Protective Security Act - General (April 8)





Public and Environmental Health Act 1987 -






Controlled Notifiable Diseases (May 6)






Notifiable Diseases - Chikungunya Virus (June 17)






Waste Control Fees (June 17)





Public Corporations -






Fire Equipment Services South Australia - Dissolution and Revocation (July 22)






Port Adelaide Maritime Corporation (September 11)





Public Finance and Audit - Refund of Small Amount (July 24)





Public Sector Management -






Exemptions (July 22)






Long Service Leave (July 24)





Public Trustee -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Radiation Protection and Control -






Cosmetic Tanning Units (March 4)






Fees (June 19)






Ionising Radiation Fees (June 17)






Non-ionising Radiation (March 4)





Real Property -






Land Division Fees (June 17)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Tagged Trading (July 24)






Water Restrictions (July 24)






Land Division Fees (June 19)





Registration of Deeds -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Residential Parks - General (November 13)





Roads (Opening and Closing) -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Road Traffic -






Ancillary and Miscellaneous (September 11)






Drink Driving and Drug Driving Expiation Fees (June 3)






Driving Hours (May 1)






Expiation Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Inspection Fees (June 17)






Level Crossing (February 12)






Mass and Loading Requirements (May 1)






Maximum Penalty (February 12)






Miscellaneous - Declaration of Hospitals (July 22)






Miscellaneous Fees (June 19)






Oversize Vehicle Exemptions (May 1)






Passenger Seatbelts (February 12)






Passenger Seatbelt Fines ( February 12)






Prescribed Oral Advice (February 12)






Road Rules - Ancillary and Miscellaneous - Emergency Workers (July 22)






Road Rules (May 1)






Road Transport Compliance (May 1)






Safety Helmets (September 11)






Special Purpose Vehicles (September 11)






Vehicle Standards (May 1)





Second-hand Vehicle Dealers -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Security and Investigation Agents-






Fees (June 17)






Prohibited Substance (February 12)





Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia -






Subjects (February 12)






Variation (July 22)





Sewerage -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Sexual Reassignment -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Sheriff’s -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Shop Trading Hours - Expiry (September 11)





South Australian Co-operative and Community Housing -






Compensable and Non-Medical Fees (February 26)






Electoral Procedures (July 24)






General (July 24)






Housing Associations (July 24)






Investment Shares (July 24)





South Australian Health Commission-






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Private Hospital Fees (June 17)






Medicare Patients Fees (June 19)






Miscellaneous Fees (June 19)






New Fees (June 17)






Prescribed Incorporated Health Centres (July 26)






Recognised Hospital - Medicare Patient Fees (July 22)





South Australian Housing Trust-






Affordable Housing (September 11)






Registration of Covenants (July 24)






Water Rates Prescribed Limits (February 12)





South Australian Ports (Disposal of Maritime Assets) - Panel Membership (October 23)





Southern State Superannuation -






Charge Percentage (April 29)






Death Insurance Benefits (April 24)






Incorporated Hospitals (July 22)






Police Superannuation (July 22)






Transition to Retirement (July 22)





Stamp Duties  -






Special Acts (February 12)






Recognised Financial Markets (July 22)





State Opera of South Australia - Elections (July 24)





State Records -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Statutes Amendment (Public Sector Employment) - Awards (April 24)





Strata Titles -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (July 17)






Fees Erratum (June 17)





Subordinate Legislation - Postponement of Expiry (September 11)





Summary Offences-






Application Fee (June 19)






Dangerous Articles and Prohibited Weapons (June 17)






Revocation (February 12)





Summary Procedure-






Industrial Offences (September 11)






Witness Fees (September 11)





Superannuation -






Julia Farr Services Employees (July 24)






Salary Components (April 29)






Transition to Retirement (July 22)





Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia - Prescribed Public Authorities (May 1)





Supreme Court-






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Remuneration of Administrator (April 29)





Survey - General (September 11)





Tobacco Products Regulation -






Confectionary Flavoured Cigarettes (April 29)






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)






Prohibited Advertising (February 12)





Trade Measurement Act 1993 - Wine Packaging (February 12)





Trade Measurement Administration -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition






Temporary Exemptions - Drug Paraphernalia (June 17)





Travel Agents -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Upper South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Management-






Project Works Corridor (June 19)






Project Scheme (February 12)






Project Works Scheme (May 29)





Valuation of Land -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Various - Domestic Partners (May 1)





Victims of Crime -






Imposition of Levy (July 22)






Levy (July 24)











Fees (July 19)






Fees (July 17)






Variation (July 22)






Water Efficiency Plans (July 24)





WorkCover Corporation






Claims Management Contractual Arrangements - Variation (June 17)





Worker’s Liens -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)





Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation-






Claims and Registration (July 22)






Claims and Registration (July 24)






Designated Courts (September 11)






Scales of Charges (May 29)






Scales of Charges - Medical Practitioners (July 22)






Scales of Medical and Other Charges (July 22)






Scale of Medical and Other Charges -Variation (May 6)






Scales of Medical Charges (May 29)






Penalty Payment (February 12)






Arrears Payment (February 12)






Scales of Medical and Other Charges (February 12)






Territorial Application (September 11)






Claims and Registration (February 12)






Thoroughbred Riding (April 24)






Variation - General (July 22)





Youth Court -






Fees (June 19)






Fees (June 17)




Remuneration Tribunal -





Determination and Report, No. 4 of 2008 - Communication Allowance (July 24)





Determination and Report, No. 5 of 2008 - Conveyance Allowance (July 24)




Repatriation General Hospital Incorporated - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




Report, to Parliament - Proposal to Construct an Ambulance Station and Associated Works, Regency Road Prospect (April 29)




RESI Corporation - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Review of Health and Medical Research in South Australia - Report, 2008 (May 1)




River Murray Act 2003 - Report, 2006-07 (October 18)




Riverland Wine Industry Fund - Report, 2007-08 (April 9)




Road Traffic Act (Drug Driving) - Review of the Operations of - Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Rural Industry Adjustment and Development Act 1985 - Report, 2006-07 (April 9)




Rules under Acts-





Authorised Betting Operations - Event Probity Information (July 24)





Local Government -






Account Based Pension (September 11)






Binding Death Benefit Nominations (April 1)






New Pension Benefits (September 11)






Retained Insurance Benefit (February 12)






 Super Holdings (February 12)






SalaryLink Benefits/Simpler Super (July 24)





Legal Practitioners Act 1981 - Ethics and Professional Responsibility (June 3)





Road Traffic -






Mobile Phones (June 19)







Australian Road Rules Variation Rules 2008








Use of Mobile Phones (February 26)






Vehicle Standards - Variation (July 22)






Vehicle Standards (September 11)





Workers Compensation Tribunal Rules 2005






Rule Eight A - Right of Representation and Assistance (July 3)




Rules of Court -





District Court - District Court Act 1991 -






Adjudication on Costs (July 24)






Child Sex Offenders (June 19)






Criminal and Miscellaneous (October 16)






Fees Recovery (February 12)






Search Orders (April 24)





Magistrates Court - Magistrates Court Act 1991 -






Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles (April 29)






Consent Judgement (April 29)






Forensic Procedure Warrant (June 5)






Warrant Execution (July 24)






Warrants under the Road Traffic Act 1961 (June 3)





Supreme Court - Supreme Court Act 1935 -






Adjudication of Costs (July 24)






Bail Review (September 11)






Child Sex Offenders (June 19)






Corporations (25 September)






Corporations - Amendment No. 4 (July 22)






Criminal Appeal (25 September)






Domestic Partner (25 September)






Fees Recovery (February 12)






Remuneration of Administrator (April 29)






Search Orders (May 1)






Sexual Offences (October 16)





Workers Compensation Tribunal - Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986 - Supreme Court and Conduct of Proceedings (May 30)








Supreme Court and Conduct of Proceedings (May 30)




SA Ambulance Service -





Report, 2006-07 (October 25)





Report, 2006-07 erratum (November 15)




SA Lotteries - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




SA Metropolitan Fire Service Superannuation Scheme - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




SA Water - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




SA Water Depot Land at Thebarton - Report, pursuant to Section 23 of the Adelaide Parklands Act 2005 (June 3)




Save the River Murray Fund - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia -





Report, 2006 (June 6)





Report, 2007 (May 8)




South Australia Police - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Aboriginal Housing Authority - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




South Australian Abortion Report,ing Committee - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




South Australian Apiary Industry Fund - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




South Australian Asset Management Corporation - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Cattle Industry Fund - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




South Australian Centre for Trauma and Injury Recovery Inc (TRACsa) - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Citrus Industry Development Board for the year ended 31 March 2006 (November 20)




South Australian Classification Council - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Community Housing Authority - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




South Australian Council on Reproductive Technology -





Report, 2005-06 (May 30)





Report, 2006-07 (April 10)




South Australian Deer Industry Fund - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




South Australian Equal Opportunity Commission - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Film Corporation - Report, 2006-07 (May 8)




South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Forestry Corporation - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Government Financing Authority - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Heritage Council - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




South Australian Housing Trust - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




South Australian Motor Sport Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Museum Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




South Australian National Parks and Wildlife Council - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




South Australian Ombudsman - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




South Australian Parliamentary Superannuation Scheme - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Pig Industry Fund - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




South Australian Potato Industry Trust - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




South Australian Psychological Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




South Australian Rail Regulation - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




South Australian Sheep Industry Fund - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




South Australian Superannuation Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




South Australian Superannuation Scheme - Actuarial Report, 2006-07 (March 4)




South Australian Tourism Commission - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




South Australian-Victorian Border Groundwaters Agreement Review Committee - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




South Australian Water Corporation - Charter February 2008 (April 8)




South Australian Youth Arts Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




State Coroner - Report, 2006-07 (November 14)




State Coroner - Report, 2006-07 Erratum (February 12)




State Electoral Office - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




State Emergency Management Committee - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




State Opera of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




State of Public and Environmental Health for South Australia , The - Report, 2006 -07 (April 1)




State Procurement Board - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




State Records Act 1997, Administration of the - Report, 2005-06 (October 25)




State Theatre Company of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




Statistical Record of the Legislature 1836-2007 (April 24)




Summary Offences Act 1953 -





Authorisations to Enter  Premises (October 23)





Dangerous Area Declarations-






1 October 2006 to 31 December 2006 (May 29)






1 January 2007 to 31 March 2007 (July 24)






Pursuant to section 83C(1) 1 April 2007 to 30 June 2007 (October 23)






Pursuant to section 83C(3) 1 April 2007 to 30 June 2007 (October 23)






Pursuant to section 83B 1 October 2007 to 31 December 2007 (April 1)





Road Block Establishment Authorisations -






1 October 2006 to 31 December 2006 (July 24)






1 January 2007 to 31 March 2007 (July 24)






1 April 2007 to 30 June 2007 (October 23)






1 July 2007 to 30 October 2007 (February 12)






1 October 2007 to 31 December 2007 (April 1)




Supported Residential Facilities Advisory Committee - Report, 2006-07 (November 20)




Tarcoola-Darwin Rail Regulation - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




Teachers Registration Board of South Australia -





Report,, 2006-07 (September 11)





Report, 2007 (May 8)




Technical Regulator - Electricity - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Technical Regulator - Gas - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Techport Australia Boundary Review Plan Amendment Report, by the Minister (July 24)




Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2005





Minute from Commissioner of Police (April 1)




Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005 -





Report,, 2005-06 (June 19)





Report,, 2006-07 (September 11)




TransAdelaide - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Trade and Economic Development, Department of - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Transmission Lessor Corporation - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




Transparency Statement - Water and Wastewater Prices in Metropolitan and Regional South Australia 2007-2008 (October 16)




Transport, Energy and Infrastructure, Department for - Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Transport SA - Track Infrastructure Schedule - Approvals to Remove (September 11)




Training and Skills Commission -





Report, 2005-06 (May 29)





Report, 2006 -07 (April 29)




Treasury and Finance, Department of - Report, 2006-07 (November 13)




University of Adelaide - Report, 2006 (September 13)




University of South Australia - Report, 2006 (September 13)




Upper South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Management Act 2002 -





Quarterly Report -






1 January 2007 - 31 March 2007 (April 24)






1 April 2007 - 30 June 2007 (July 25)






1 July 2007 - 30 September 2007 (November 13)






1 October - 31 December 2007 (February 12)






Report, 2006-07 (October 25)




Variation of Approved Licensing Agreement (Second Amending Agreement) - Between the Minister for Gambling and SkyCity Adelaide Pty Ltd (November 20)




Venture Capital Board - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia - Report, 2006-07 (November 21)




Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park Co-Management Board - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Department of - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




Water Well Drilling Committee - Report, 2006-07 (November 22)




West Beach Trust - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




Wilderness Protection Act 1992 - Report, 2006-07 (October 23)




Windmill Performing Arts Company - Report, 2006-07 (November 15)




Witness Protection Act 1996 - Report, 2006-07 (October 16)




WorkCover SA -





Erratum (House of Assembly) (November 21)





Report, 2006-07 (October 18)




Zero Waste - Report, (October 16)

