Committee Function
That a Select Committee of the Legislative Council be established to investigate wind farm developments in South Australia, with the following terms of reference:
(a) Separation distances between wind turbines and residences or communities;
(b) The social, health and economic impacts of wind generators on individual landholders, communities and the State;
(c) The need for a peer-reviewed, independent academic study on the social, health and economic impacts of wind generators;
(d) The capacity of existing infrastructure to cope with increased wind power;
(e) The costs and benefits of wind power in South Australia;
(f) The environmental impacts of wind generators and wind power generally;
(g) The siting of wind generators in South Australia;
(h) The approval process of wind farms in South Australia;
(i) The preparation of the State Wind Farm DPA; and
(j) Any other matter the Committee deems relevant.