Presides over the debates of the House of Assembly
Is elected by Members of the House of Assembly
Keeps order in the House of Assembly
Understands the rules (Standing Orders) and procedures and makes sure they are followed
Usually does not take part in debates
Calls Members who wish to speak or ask questions
Puts the questions on which Members vote, and announces the results of each vote
Once elected may continue to be an active member of a Political Party, but is expected to be fair to all members whatever party or group to which they may belong
Sits in the Speaker’s Chair
Chairman of Committees
Is in charge of proceedings and keeps order in Committee of the Whole, where bills are considered in detail and possibly amended
Is elected by the House of Assembly
Sits in the chair at the head of the Table between the Clerks (after the Speaker has left the Speaker’s Chair)
Reports to the Speaker what the Committee of the Whole has agreed to a Bill
Is also the Deputy Speaker
Represent electorates
Are elected for four year terms
Are nearly always members of a Political Party
Speak in debates, ask questions, present petitions and take part in votes
Raise issues of concern to people, particularly people in their electorates
Debate bills and may move amendments
Move motions for debate
May be made members of a committee by the House
Is the head of the governing party and Leader of the Government
Forms a Ministry to govern the State, and chairs the Cabinet
Takes a leading part in debates in the House
Is accountable to the Parliament for all Government decisions and actions
Is assisted by the Deputy Premier
Is a Member of Parliament and represents an electorate
Sits opposite the Leader of the Opposition
Leader of the Opposition
Is the leader of the major non-governing party
Has the task of questioning the Government, examining its plans and presenting an alternate point of view
Is a Member of Parliament and represents an electorate
Sits opposite the Premier
Are usually members of the governing party
Ministers form the Cabinet
Are responsible for one or more Government Departments
Introduce legislation on behalf of the Government
Make speeches to explain their plans
Are asked questions during Question Time
Present reports from their Departments
Are responsible to the Parliament for all of their decisions and actions
Sit on the front benches on the Government side of each House
Party Whips
Arrange meetings of their Party
Keep the Members in their Party informed on the business before the House, and arrange for speakers to take part in debates
Make sure that the Members in their party are present at voting time
Arrange for ‘pairs’ if a Member is sick, or is absent for an approved reason
Are chosen by each Party in the House of Assembly
Clerk of the House of Assembly
Gives procedural advice, based on the rules (Standing Orders), procedures and practices of the House of Assembly to the Speaker, Ministers and Members
Compiles and has custody of the official records of the business of the House of Assembly
Calls items of business, reads titles of bills and announces petitions
Times Members’ speeches and rings the bells for divisions
Is responsible for the administration of the House of Assembly and its Committees
Is appointed to the position after many years of experience
Wears the traditional dress of a gown
Sits at the head of the Table, on the right hand side of the Speaker
Is assisted by a Deputy Clerk and the Clerk Assistant
Conducts the Speaker to the Chair during the ceremony at the beginning of every sitting day
Takes part in ceremonial activities
By direction of the Speaker keeps order in the Chamber and the Public Galleries
Is responsible for the security and providing services to Members and visitors
Is a member of the House of Assembly Staff
Hansard Reporters
Take a word-by-word shorthand/electronic record of the debates in each House
Take turns of ten minutes
Transcribe into written word for Hansard Records
Sit in the Hansard Reporters Gallery
Deliver messages to and from Members
Prepare the House at the beginning of the day
Distribute bills and other documents in the Chamber and to offices