30 January 2015,
Dear Mr Dupont,
Re: Submissions to Unconventional Gas (Fracking) Inquiry
I am an Associate Professor of Environmental Law with over 20 years experience in the field.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
Parliament of South Australia Natural
Resources Committee Enquiry into
Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
I am Marcia Lorenz B.A.
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament
Page 1 of 8
Submission to:
Parliament of South Australia
Natural Resource Committee
Enquiry Into Unconventional Gas
Date: 30 January 2015
Peter Hackworth
Executive Officer
Wine Grape Council of South Australia
Unit 4, 780 South Rd
08 8351 4378
0439 182 411
Page 1 of 8
Summary of Recommendations
WGCSA believes that approval for Unconventional Gas Extraction (UGE) projects should
not be provided without scientific evidence that address the following concerns:
The ability of an extraction bore to maintain casing integrity and therefore isolation
from aquifers, not just for the life of the extraction but for centuries after the mine
The contamination, as a result of well integrity failure on an aquifer used for irrigation
and/or human consumption from:
o chemicals/sand used to extract gas
o methane and other extracted gases
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
Page 1 of 8
Submission to:
Parliament of South Australia
Natural Resource Committee
Enquiry Into Unconventional Gas
Date: 30 January 2015
Peter Hackworth
Executive Officer
Wine Grape Council of South Australia
Unit 4, 780 South Rd
08 8351 4378
0439 182 411
Page 1 of 8
Summary of Recommendations
WGCSA believes that approval for Unconventional Gas Extraction (UGE) projects should
not be provided without scientific evidence that address the following concerns:
The ability of an extraction bore to maintain casing integrity and therefore isolation
from aquifers, not just for the life of the extraction but for centuries after the mine
The contamination, as a result of well integrity failure on an aquifer used for irrigation
and/or human consumption from:
o chemicals/sand used to extract gas
o methane and other extracted gases
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
Submission from the South Australian Government
January 2015
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
Potential risks and impacts ..................................................................................................... 3
Deep unconventional gas vs. coal seam gas .......................................................................... 7
What are unconventional gas and fracture stimulation (fracking)?
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
Submission from the South Australian Government
January 2015
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
Potential risks and impacts ..................................................................................................... 3
Deep unconventional gas vs. coal seam gas .......................................................................... 7
What are unconventional gas and fracture stimulation (fracking)?
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
Email: patrick.dupont@parliament.sa.gov.au
cc parnell@parliament.sa.gov.au
Re: Inquiry into Unconventional Gas and Fracking in SE of SA
Community Alliance SA is a not for profit, non-political organisation comprised of
volunteers from member groups working with local communities to address planning issues
at the local and State level.
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
Email: patrick.dupont@parliament.sa.gov.au
cc parnell@parliament.sa.gov.au
Re: Inquiry into Unconventional Gas and Fracking in SE of SA
Community Alliance SA is a not for profit, non-political organisation comprised of
volunteers from member groups working with local communities to address planning issues
at the local and State level.
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
We expect a precautionary
approach from our regulators, and, if our water quality or quantity is damaged by
unconventional gas production in this location, we fully intend to recover any loss we incur
from any parties involved in the unconventional gas production.
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament
in the soil: effects on plants ............................................................................................ 29
APPENDIX 2 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 30
The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) has prepared this submission to the Natural
Resources Committee of the Parliament of South Australia for its Inquiry into Unconventional Gas
(Fracking), and requests to appear before the Committee at its meeting in Adelaide or Penola.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)