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We found 31013 search results for ' Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (fracking)':

  • The closing dates for submissions into fracking is 31/1/15 You will also have the opportunity to be heard if requested.
  • Executive Officer, Natural Resource Committee GPO Box 572, Adelaide SA 5001 Email To Natural Resources Committee, Re; Inquiry into Unconventional Gas and Fracking in SE of SA We understand that the Limestone Coast Protection Alliance Inc is writing a submission for this inquiry and that they do not support unconventional gas and fracking in the SE of SA for the following reasons; • potential for water contamination caused by spills, leaks, chemicals and accidents • potential for well integrity failure due to finite lifespan of cement and steel • potential for air pollution detrimental to health of natural environment, humans and animals • potential for industrialisation of landscape and fragmentation of native forest reserves and pine forests • reduction in enjoyment of natural environment for walking, cycling, canoeing and caving • air, noise and light pollution and potential for odour impacting on health, enjoyment and safety of use of natural
  • 1 6 February 2015 Mr Patrick Dupont Executive Officer Natural Resources Committee GPO Box 572 ADELAIDE SA 5001 RE: Submission to fracking inquiry Dear Patrick The Conservation Council of South Australia (Conservation SA) welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the Natural Resources Committee Inquiry into potential risks and impacts in the use of hydraulic fracture stimulation (fracking) to produce gas in the South-East of South Australia.
  • Page 114 of 294 PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Inquiry into: Unconventional Gas (Fracking) SECTION 3: CHEMICALS Limestone Coast Protection Alliance Inc.
  • Clive Carlyle Email: Submission to PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Inquiry into: Unconventional Gas (Fracking) January, 2015 I have lived and worked in the lower south east for 30 years.
  • Parliament of South Australia Natural Resources Committee Inquiry into: Unconventional Gas (Fracking) in the South East of South Australia Pursuant to section 16(1)(a) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Committee is inquiring into Potential risks and impacts in the use of hydraulic fracture stimulation (Fracking) to produce gas in the Southeast of South Australia and in particular: 1. the risks of groundwater contamination; 2. the impacts upon landscape; 3. the effectiveness of existing legislation and regulation; and 4. the potential net economic outcomes to the region 28th January 2015 Executive Officer Natural Resources Committee GPO Box 572 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Dear Natural Resource Committee Being a South East optometrist, business owner and farmer I am compelled to write a submission on the potential risks and impacts of gas drilling and hydraulic fracture stimulation (fracking) in the South East of South Australia.
  • 31 January 2015 Executive Officer Natural Resources Committee GPO Box 572 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Email: Dear Mr Dupont, Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking): Submission from the South East Local Government Association The South East Local Government Association is pleased to provide this submission to the Natural Resources Committee’s inquiry into the potential risks and impacts in the use of hydraulic fracture stimulation (Fracking) to produce gas in the South East of South Australia.
  • From: Kathryn Wright [ ] Sent: Tuesday, 27 January 2015 9:45 PM To: Dupont, Patrick Subject: Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into fracking in the SE of SA To: Parliamentary Inquiry into fracking in the SE of SA From: Ms Kathryn Wright – Date: 27/01/2015 As a resident of Mount Gambier – I wish to register my deep concerns in relation to the practice of unconventional gas mining (fracking) being undertaken – particularly in the South East of South Australia.
  • Parliament of South Australia Natural Resources Committee 11 September 2015 Update: Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking) in the South East of South Australia Presiding Member Hon Steph Key MP announced timelines for the Natural Resources Committee’s Inquiry into Fracking/Unconventional Gas.
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The Parliament of South Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners of this country throughout Australia, and their connection to land and community. We pay our respect to them and their cultures and to the Elders both past and present.