The damage to stores that happens with no
1338 Mr HUGHES: When you say drugs are rife, every now and then the issue of ice
comes up and we're told that it hasn't penetrated the communities, certainly not to any degree, so
are we referring to cannabis, or what drugs are we referring to?
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
There is
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
There is
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
There is
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
I am interested in the new Office of Industrial
Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis.
Select Committees
53rd Parliament
Supt BAULDERSTONE: The items that were booked in were 20 hydroponic globes,
12 electrical transformers, 10 hydroponic light shades, one magnet, one cannabis grinder, $215 in
cash, another $85 in cash, a watch, paperwork in regard to cannabis cultivation, and two lots of two
protective orange gloves.
Select Committees
54th Parliament
The whistleblower became suspicious, as a TV is not an
item usually seized as an exhibit from a cannabis grow house.
Select Committees
54th Parliament
Ms ANTCLIFF: We haven't had any discussions on this particular case and we are,
as we said at the beginning, working through what oversight measures are agreeable between the
Tourism Commission and DTTI.
6831 The CHAIRPERSON: A different topic—and I think we will come back to that, but
time is getting on: is the Office of Industrial Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis based in DTTI?
Select Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
Detection Statistics for CGTF commencing November 2007:
o 499 arrests / reports of OMCG members
o 1088 arrests/reports of associates and those linked to OMCGs
o The seizure of 330 firearms
o 728 premises searched of OMCG members (including clubrooms)
o 871 premises searched of associates and those linked to OMCGs
o Seizure of $2.33 million in cash
o Seizure of 1280 cannabis plants
o Seizure of 61,000 street deals of loose cannabis
o Seizure of 72,000 street deals of methamphetamine
o Seizure of 34,500 street deals of ecstasy
o Seizure of 10,980 street deals of other drugs
o 394 barring orders issued
o 39 current OMCG have current firearm prohibition orders.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
There is
Standing Committees
52nd Parliament