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We found 290 search results for 'cannabis':

  • his reputation in matters raised in debate on the Controlled Substances (Palliative Use of Cannabis) Bill on 13 November 2008. ????????????????
  • The decision-maker need only state in their reasons for revocation or refusal that it was in the public interest.18 The concept of criminal intelligence was introduced in the Hydroponics Industry Control Act 2009 to regulate the sale of hydroponics equipment in order to curtail the commercial cultivation and production of cannabis, and to reduce the impact of drugs and drug related crime in the community.
  • The concept can be used broadly, for example substance misuse and depression, or it can be restricted to specify severe mental illness such as: • psychosis, • schizophrenia; • a substance misuse issue such as cannabis or methamphetamine use; • a person who has a milder mental illness such as panic disorder, anxiety disorder; or • intellectual disability such as ASD or FASD.
  • KANDELAARS: Another one in the annual report raised the issue that expiation notices for cannabis offences had increased and exceeded your KPI, as I understand it.
  • Hearing proceeded in camera Evidence resumed on the public record Mr HINTON: I recently looked at a case involving an interstate cannabis trafficking organisation—loosely called an organisation, but the same characters.
  • The concept can be used broadly, for example substance misuse and depression, or it can be restricted to specify severe mental illness such as: • psychosis, • schizophrenia; • a substance misuse issue such as cannabis or methamphetamine use; • a person who has a milder mental illness such as panic disorder, anxiety disorder; or • intellectual disability such as ASD or FASD.
  • The concept can be used broadly, for example substance misuse and depression, or it can be restricted to specify severe mental illness such as: • psychosis, • schizophrenia; • a substance misuse issue such as cannabis or methamphetamine use; • a person who has a milder mental illness such as panic disorder, anxiety disorder; or • intellectual disability such as ASD or FASD.
  • Hearing proceeded in camera Evidence resumed on the public record Mr HINTON: I recently looked at a case involving an interstate cannabis trafficking organisation—loosely called an organisation, but the same characters.
  • This same study also reported that those who experienced abuse as a child had a much greater likelihood of having a mental disorder, a severe alcohol abuse disorder, be cannabis dependent, have obesity and attempted self-harm or attempted suicide.
  • All the police need to search a car and to conduct a body search is a smell of cannabis.
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The Parliament of South Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners of this country throughout Australia, and their connection to land and community. We pay our respect to them and their cultures and to the Elders both past and present.