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We found 309 search results for 'cannabis':

  • On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Controlled Substances (Cannabis Decriminalisation) Amendment Bill be now read a second time: ????????????????
  • On the Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill be now read a second time: ????????????????
  • Htm 9293 (222 KB)

    The package proposed to remove some of the more minor cannabis and other drug offences from the District Court into the Magistrates Court.
  • The decision-maker need only state in their reasons for revocation or refusal that it was in the public interest.18 The concept of criminal intelligence was introduced in the Hydroponics Industry Control Act 2009 to regulate the sale of hydroponics equipment in order to curtail the commercial cultivation and production of cannabis, and to reduce the impact of drugs and drug related crime in the community.
  • The decision-maker need only state in their reasons for revocation or refusal that it was in the public interest.18 The concept of criminal intelligence was introduced in the Hydroponics Industry Control Act 2009 to regulate the sale of hydroponics equipment in order to curtail the commercial cultivation and production of cannabis, and to reduce the impact of drugs and drug related crime in the community.
  • Farley’s statistics on prostitution are complied below: • the average entry age into prostitution is 13; • 65% to 95% of prostituted women have been sexually assaulted or raped before they entered prostitution; • nearly half of prostitutes were victims of incest; • 83% of prostituted women are addicted to substances such as heroin, cocaine, cannabis and alcohol; • 54% of prostitutes suffer from very severe depression; • 42% of prostitutes had at least committed one suicide attempt, many suffering from psychological disorders; • 75% of women in prostitution are or have been homeless at some point in their lives; • 70% to 95% of women in prostitution working in the street have been physically assaulted during the exercise of prostitution; • 41% of women were attacked in brothels; • 60% to 75% of people were raped while in prostitution; and • 85% and 95% want to leave prostitution, but have no other means of survival.
  • The concept can be used broadly, for example substance misuse and depression, or it can be restricted to specify severe mental illness such as: • psychosis, • schizophrenia; • a substance misuse issue such as cannabis or methamphetamine use; • a person who has a milder mental illness such as panic disorder, anxiety disorder; or • intellectual disability such as ASD or FASD.
  • if the person has expiated a simple cannabis offence (within the meaning of section 45A of the Controlled Substances Act 1984) within the 5 years immediately preceding the application; or (ib)?????
  • The decision-maker need only state in their reasons for revocation or refusal that it was in the public interest.18 The concept of criminal intelligence was introduced in the Hydroponics Industry Control Act 2009 to regulate the sale of hydroponics equipment in order to curtail the commercial cultivation and production of cannabis, and to reduce the impact of drugs and drug related crime in the community.
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The Parliament of South Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners of this country throughout Australia, and their connection to land and community. We pay our respect to them and their cultures and to the Elders both past and present.