This same study also reported that those who experienced abuse as a
child had a much greater likelihood of having a mental disorder, a severe alcohol abuse disorder,
be cannabis dependent, have obesity and attempted self-harm or attempted suicide.
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
All the police need to search a car and to conduct a body search is a smell of cannabis.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
The decision-maker
need only state in their reasons for revocation or refusal that it was in the public
The concept of criminal intelligence was introduced in the Hydroponics Industry
Control Act 2009 to regulate the sale of hydroponics equipment in order to curtail
the commercial cultivation and production of cannabis, and to reduce the impact of
drugs and drug related crime in the community.
Standing Committees
52nd Parliament
On the Order of the
Day being read for the adjourned debate on the question - That the Controlled
Substances (Cannabis) Amendment Bill be now read a second time:
This same study also reported that those who experienced abuse as a
child had a much greater likelihood of having a mental disorder, a severe alcohol abuse disorder,
be cannabis dependent, have obesity and attempted self-harm or attempted suicide.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
On admission, 67 per cent of
prisoners reported illicit drug use, with the main drugs being methamphetamine and cannabis;
45 per cent of prisoners reported a history of injecting drugs in the past, with nearly half of those
reporting that they have shared injecting equipment; 6 per cent of prisoners report continuing to inject
drugs while in prison.
Select Committees
53rd Parliament
Hearing proceeded in camera
Evidence resumed on the public record
Mr HINTON: I recently looked at a case involving an interstate cannabis trafficking
organisation—loosely called an organisation, but the same characters.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
Social Development Committee of the Parliament of South Australia
The models described below are drawn from the report of the National Drug Strategy’s Committee
that investigated legislative options for the use of cannabis in Australia.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
Hearing proceeded in camera
Evidence resumed on the public record
Mr HINTON: I recently looked at a case involving an interstate cannabis trafficking
organisation—loosely called an organisation, but the same characters.
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament
of Cannabis Samples.