(NB 23.6% of the sample were
not sure it this was an issue, 18.7% ranked it as quite important and 21.2% ranked it as not important): M Coombs et al, “Certainty
and Uncertainty about End of Life Care Nursing Practices in New Zealand Intensive Care Units: A Mixed Methods Study” (2015)
28 Australian Critical Care 82; R Syme, “Necessity to Palliate Pain and Suffering as a Defence to Medical Homicide”‘ (2009)
12 JLM 439, 442; P Hudson et al, “Legalizing Physician-assisted Suicide and/or Euthanasia: Pragmatic Implications” (2015) 13
Palliative and Supportive Care 1399, 1400.
19 The authors note the existence of new legal regimes that permit medicinal cannabis to be used as pain relief in limited
circumstances, including palliative care.
Joint Committees
54th Parliament
continued) Pyrotechnics and Fees (253) Speed Limits (54) Stansbury Zoning (296) Boilers and Pressure Vessels-Fees (7) Builders Licensing-Fees (4) Building- Building Code (252) National Technical Code (6) Business Franchise-Licences and Fees (54) Business Names-Fees (4) Chiropractors-Renewal Fee (75) Citrus Industry-General (279) City of Adelaide Development Control-Commencement and Completion Times (295) Classification of Publications- Prevention of Child Abuse (16) SI4H14 Australia Incorporated (4) Clean Air- Fees (415) Licensing and Transfer Code (6) Refuse Burning (252) Refuse Burning-Marion and Mitcham (310) Commercial Motor Vehicles (Hours of Driving)- Exemptions (395) Log Book Fees (5) Commercial and Private Agents- Executor Trustee Australia Limited (5) Fees (5) Licensing Exemption (135) Commercial Tribunal- Applications and Orders (251) Fees (5) Hearings or Default Orders (251) Judgements and Orders (54) Consumer Credit-Fees (5) Consumer Transactions-Fees (5) Controlled Substances- Cannabis
The ACCP informed the Committee that from the work by Jeffreys et al (2009) on the drug
use of parents whose children have entered care it is estimated that 70% of those children had
parents who were misusing substances, and of those parents, 77% were misusing alcohol,
53% cannabis and 50% amphetamines.180
Johns, M, State Coroner, South Australia (2015, April 9) Coroner’s Report on the Inquest into the Death of
Chloe Lee Valentine p.143.
Select Committees
53rd Parliament
I am not sure that everything is being done for those people medically who
experience conditions like nausea and extreme pain—for instance, medical cannabis.
Joint Committees
54th Parliament
Australian Labor Party
Franks New South Wales Legislative Council General Purpose Standing Committee No. 4 - Report on the Use of Cannabis fo r Medical Purposes (August 6) --- --- Youth Bills and Acts (October 29) --- --- Letter and Petition from the A n angu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Law and Culture Committee tabled during debate on the A n angu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara L and Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2014 (December 2) --- --- By the Hon J.
are good relations with the South Australia Police.
277 Dr Kirstin Ross, Hansard, 23 September 2019: 35 – 36.
278 Local Government of South Australia, Written submission No. 28, 21 January 2019: 4.
279 Ms Rebecca Burton, Hansard, 9 September 2019: 25.
280 City of Mitcham, Written submission No. 10, 14 January 2019: 1.
281 City of West Torrens, Written submission No. 12, 14 January 2019: 1.
282 City of Onkaparinga, Environmental Health Team, Written submission No. 30, 14 January 2019: 1.
78 Social Development Committee of the Parliament of South Australia
A recommendation was made that an approved list of “Remediators” be held with SA Health (similar
to the Wastewater Regulations) as it would assist councils in administering their functions for
clandestine labs.283
The City of Onkaparinga commented that the clandestine drug laboratories policy could be updated
to include other drug categories:
Recommend update of clan lab info to include other types of labs (cannabis
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
are good relations with the South Australia Police.
277 Dr Kirstin Ross, Hansard, 23 September 2019: 35 – 36.
278 Local Government of South Australia, Written submission No. 28, 21 January 2019: 4.
279 Ms Rebecca Burton, Hansard, 9 September 2019: 25.
280 City of Mitcham, Written submission No. 10, 14 January 2019: 1.
281 City of West Torrens, Written submission No. 12, 14 January 2019: 1.
282 City of Onkaparinga, Environmental Health Team, Written submission No. 30, 14 January 2019: 1.
78 Social Development Committee of the Parliament of South Australia
A recommendation was made that an approved list of “Remediators” be held with SA Health (similar
to the Wastewater Regulations) as it would assist councils in administering their functions for
clandestine labs.283
The City of Onkaparinga commented that the clandestine drug laboratories policy could be updated
to include other drug categories:
Recommend update of clan lab info to include other types of labs (cannabis
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament
An unrelated amendment
is made to section 13 of the Act to facilitate the forfeiture of drugs,
drug-growing equipment, and drug-using implements, when a cannabis expiation
notice is enforced.
Cannabis was the most common, but not the only drug referred to.
Standing Committees
54th Parliament