concerning Tougher Penalties for Hydroponics Cannabis, Amphetamines (April 2)
Ministerial Statement by the Premier, Hon.
Australian Labor Party
FRANKS: But what if we had new industries, like a cannabis industry?
Select Committees
53rd Parliament
FRANKS: But what if we had new industries, like a cannabis industry?
Select Committees
52nd Parliament
FRANKS: But what if we had new industries, like a cannabis industry?
Select Committees
54th Parliament
But I would say to you that it is more common that people
do not admit it, because they understand that they are actually participating in an illegal activity.
32 The CHAIRPERSON: How does the department view the administration of
medical cannabis to a child?
Select Committees
53rd Parliament
Substance abuse
Alcohol, tobacco
Opiates, amphetamines, cocaine and their derivatives, cannabis
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
Substance abuse
Alcohol, tobacco
Opiates, amphetamines, cocaine and their derivatives, cannabis
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
Substance abuse
Alcohol, tobacco
Opiates, amphetamines, cocaine and their derivatives, cannabis
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament