Parliament of South Australia Public Works Committee
ocal Dog Fence Boards
Site and ownership details
At 2,150 kilometres long, the South Australian Dog Fence stretches from the Great Australian Bight
to the New South Wales border (indicated in red on the map).
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
Are you aware of any studies in South Australia on leachates from dumps?
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
Dawkins brought up the Interim Report of the Select Committee on Proposed
Sale and Redevelopment of the Glenside Hospital Site.
In my performance review then, again, I asked: look, I need to do this ‘train
the trainer’ course, otherwise what was happening wasn't legit, wasn't legal in my eyes and others.
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
The site was closed down for four years.
Joint Committees
53rd Parliament
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
Standing Committees
54th Parliament