There are some vexatious issues about whether or not cannabis use increases crash
risk. … So far as the commercial transport industry is concerned, there is clear evidence of the
use of stimulants and amphetamines. … the use of those sorts of drugs in the commercial
transport industry is still at a worryingly high level.’
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament
There are some vexatious issues about whether or not
cannabis use increases crash risk.
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
The damage to stores that happens with no
1338 Mr HUGHES: When you say drugs are rife, every now and then the issue of ice
comes up and we're told that it hasn't penetrated the communities, certainly not to any degree, so
are we referring to cannabis, or what drugs are we referring to?
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
The damage to stores that happens with no
1338 Mr HUGHES: When you say drugs are rife, every now and then the issue of ice
comes up and we're told that it hasn't penetrated the communities, certainly not to any degree, so
are we referring to cannabis, or what drugs are we referring to?
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
The damage to stores that happens with no
1338 Mr HUGHES: When you say drugs are rife, every now and then the issue of ice
comes up and we're told that it hasn't penetrated the communities, certainly not to any degree, so
are we referring to cannabis, or what drugs are we referring to?
Standing Committees
52nd Parliament
They also turn to alcohol and also cannabis, and this is both medicinal cannabis but also illicit
cannabis as well, which is quite rife in this population.
Select Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
The damage to stores that happens with no
1338 Mr HUGHES: When you say drugs are rife, every now and then the issue of ice
comes up and we're told that it hasn't penetrated the communities, certainly not to any degree, so
are we referring to cannabis, or what drugs are we referring to?
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament
The Australian Illicit Drug Report 2001 – 2002 indicates that the potency of Australia’s
cannabis (derived from marijuana), and amphetamine–type stimulants has increased in
recent years.7 The Committee was told that in people with a pre-existing vulnerability,
amphetamine use and long-term heavy marijuana use may both trigger drug induced
psychosis, involving symptoms similar to those seen in paranoid schizophrenia.
Select Committees
50th Parliament
There are some vexatious issues about whether or not
cannabis use increases crash risk.
Standing Committees
52nd Parliament
There are some vexatious issues about whether or not
cannabis use increases crash risk.
Standing Committees
53rd Parliament