A Select Committee of the Legislative Council has been established to inquire into and report on further legislative and policy measures to better protect the dolphins in the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary and the Port River, with particular consideration to be given to -
Any person or organisation wishing to make a written submission to the Committee, or register an interest in presenting oral evidence to the Committee, is invited to do so by Friday, 9 September 2022. Written submissions and expressions of interest should be addressed to the Secretary to the Committee, C/- Parliament House, GPO Box 572, Adelaide 5001, by telephone on (08)82379490, or e-mail at scdolphins@parliament.sa.gov.au.
Mr Anthony Beasley
Secretary to the Committee
- Limiting dredging;
- Banning heavy gauge fishing practices and the use of large hooks, live bait and trawling;
- Larger fines for industry discharge into the Port River;
- Further speed restrictions on the Port River;
- Increasing marine safety officers and park rangers;
- Installation of shellfish reefs;
- Regular and increased water quality monitoring; and
- The impact of the die-off of mangroves and saltmarsh at St Kilda on the Port River Dolphins.
Any person or organisation wishing to make a written submission to the Committee, or register an interest in presenting oral evidence to the Committee, is invited to do so by Friday, 9 September 2022. Written submissions and expressions of interest should be addressed to the Secretary to the Committee, C/- Parliament House, GPO Box 572, Adelaide 5001, by telephone on (08)82379490, or e-mail at scdolphins@parliament.sa.gov.au.
Mr Anthony Beasley
Secretary to the Committee