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We found 290 search results for 'cannabis':

  • Supports the separation of the cannabis market from the market of other illegal drugs; and ???????
  • Notes t he February 2016 passage of the federal Narcotic Drugs Amendment Bill 2016 enabling a national licensing scheme for the controlled cultivation across Australia of cannabis for medicinal and scientific purposes ; II.
  • Committee Submission No. 002 - Weaver.pdf (pdf 1.13 MB)

  • Html wi_2002 (225 KB)

    Simple Cannabis Offences (March 5) --- ---       Uniform Poisons Standard (March 5) --- ---     Dental Practice ?
  • Rann, M.P.) concerning Hydroponically Grown Cannabis, together with a National Competition Policy Review Report on a Proposal to Licence Hydroponic Equipment Retailers.  
  • Committee Submission No. 003 - Hawke.pdf (pdf 1.51 MB)

  • South Australia’s 2020 Report Card for children and young people 38 Dimension 1: Health Indicator Children and young people have health-promoting behaviours Measure Measure detail Age Trend Proportion of children and young people being reported as underweight, overweight or obese Obese 2-17 years Unfavourable change Proportion of young people smoking tobacco Ever smoked tobacco 12-17 years Favourable change Proportion of young people consuming alcohol Ever consumed alcohol 12-17 years Favourable change Proportion of young people with potentially unsafe or binge-drinking behaviour Unsafe or binge drinking - ever 12-17 years No change Proportion of young people taking illicit drugs Ever taken illicit drugs (including cannabis) 12-17 years Favourable change Proportion of young people taking illicit drugs Ever taken cannabis 12-17 years Favourable change Indicator Children and young people are thriving Measure Measure
  • You've got to be careful when you articulate this in the community because are you saying, 'Don't take this,' or 'It's okay to take cannabis.'
  • (Submission 24) A submission from a prisoner serving a sentence for a cannabis offence expressed a similar view, contending that relaxing sentencing for such offences might reduce overcrowding in prisons.
  • Ms LANG: Not that I can remember, but I think probably when I had the pain, I believe, yes. 383 The CHAIRPERSON: So you just went in and said, 'I need some pain relief for period' and they just gave you Ponstan and didn't talk about how— Ms LANG: I think mum had used it, so that's what we did. 384 Mr ODENWALDER: Just on that medication question—I meant to ask other witnesses but I forgot—have you at any stage been offered, or has it been suggested that you use, medicinal cannabis?
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The Parliament of South Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners of this country throughout Australia, and their connection to land and community. We pay our respect to them and their cultures and to the Elders both past and present.